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swr1,844,36029,331110a day agoMIT License
react-query1,406,48239,54550a day agoMIT License
Feature Comparison
Data Fetching and Caching
React Query is a popular library for data fetching and state management in React, offering features like caching, pagination, and more.
SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate) is a lightweight library for data fetching and caching that focuses on simplicity and performance.
Caching Strategies
React Query provides caching strategies such as stale-while-revalidate, cache-and-network, and others to optimize data fetching and updates.
SWR follows a simple caching strategy with stale-while-revalidate, ensuring that data remains responsive while fetching fresh updates.
Pagination Support
React Query provides pagination features, allowing developers to paginate through data and manage pagination state.
SWR can be used for pagination, but it doesn't have built-in pagination features and may require custom implementation.
Synchronization and Real-Time Updates
React Query provides real-time updates through automatic background refetching and integration with WebSockets and GraphQL subscriptions.
SWR can be used for real-time updates by setting short polling intervals or integrating with real-time data sources.
Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
React Query is compatible with Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and offers guidance on integrating it into server-rendered applications.
SWR is SSR-friendly and can be used in server-rendered applications with proper configuration.
React Query has a large and active community with a variety of plugins and resources available.
SWR has a dedicated community and is known for its simplicity and performance in data fetching.
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You're looking at the v3 version of react-query. Starting with v4, react-query is now available as @tanstack/react-query

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