lit vs svelte vs @stencil/core
Web Component Libraries Comparison
1 Year
litsvelte@stencil/coreSimilar Packages:
What's Web Component Libraries?

Web Component Libraries are collections of reusable UI components built using Web Components standards, allowing for encapsulation, interoperability, and reusability across different frameworks and applications. These libraries leverage technologies like Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, and HTML Templates to create components that can be easily integrated into any web project, regardless of the underlying framework. Examples include Stencil, Lit, and Svelte, each offering unique approaches to building and managing web components while promoting best practices in web development.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
lit2,219,08219,080107 kB5563 months agoBSD-3-Clause
svelte1,947,67480,9252.48 MB7752 days agoMIT
@stencil/core683,15912,66221.2 MB27710 hours agoMIT
Feature Comparison: lit vs svelte vs @stencil/core

Component Creation

  • lit:

    lit provides a straightforward way to create web components using template literals and reactive properties. It emphasizes simplicity and performance, allowing developers to define their component's structure and behavior with minimal code.

  • svelte:

    svelte enables component creation using a unique syntax that combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a single file. It compiles components into highly optimized JavaScript, eliminating the need for a virtual DOM and resulting in faster updates and smaller bundle sizes.

  • @stencil/core:

    @stencil/core allows you to create web components using a simple, declarative syntax with support for TypeScript, JSX, and CSS. It provides a powerful CLI and build system that automatically handles tasks like code splitting, lazy loading, and generating documentation.


  • lit:

    lit is designed for high performance, with a focus on minimizing re-renders and efficiently updating the DOM. Its use of reactive properties and efficient rendering algorithms ensures that components update quickly and use minimal resources.

  • svelte:

    svelte offers exceptional performance by compiling components into efficient JavaScript code that updates the DOM directly, bypassing the need for a virtual DOM. This results in faster rendering and updates, making Svelte one of the most performance-oriented frameworks available.

  • @stencil/core:

    @stencil/core generates highly optimized web components with features like tree shaking, lazy loading, and automatic polyfills for older browsers. This ensures that the components are lightweight and only load the necessary code, improving overall performance.


  • lit:

    lit features a reactive programming model that automatically updates the DOM when reactive properties change. It uses a simple API to define reactive properties, making it easy to create dynamic and interactive components.

  • svelte:

    svelte has a built-in reactivity system that automatically tracks changes to variables and updates the DOM when those variables change. This makes it easy to create highly interactive components with minimal effort.

  • @stencil/core:

    @stencil/core provides reactivity through the use of decorators and state management within components. It supports one-way data binding and allows for reactive updates when component properties change.

Community and Ecosystem

  • lit:

    lit has an active and vibrant community, with strong support from Google and a growing ecosystem of libraries and tools. It is widely used for building web components and has a rich set of documentation and resources.

  • svelte:

    svelte has a passionate and rapidly growing community, with a rich ecosystem of plugins, tools, and resources. Its unique approach to component development has garnered a lot of attention, making it a popular choice among modern web developers.

  • @stencil/core:

    @stencil/core has a growing community and is backed by Ionic, which provides a rich ecosystem of components and tools for building web applications. Stencil is increasingly being adopted for creating design systems and component libraries.

Ease of Use: Code Examples

  • lit:

    Creating a simple web component with lit

    import { LitElement, html, css } from 'lit';
    class MyGreeting extends LitElement {
      static styles = css`h1 { color: blue; }`;
      render() {
        return html`<h1>Hello, Lit!</h1>`;
    customElements.define('my-greeting', MyGreeting);
  • svelte:

    Creating a simple web component with svelte

      export let name = 'Svelte';
    h1 {
      color: green;
    <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
  • @stencil/core:

    Creating a simple web component with @stencil/core

    import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core';
      tag: 'my-greeting',
      shadow: true,
    export class MyGreeting {
      render() {
        return <h1>Hello, Stencil!</h1>;
How to Choose: lit vs svelte vs @stencil/core
  • lit:

    Choose lit if you want to build fast, lightweight web components with a simple and expressive API for rendering. Lit is particularly suited for projects that require high performance and minimal boilerplate, making it easy to create dynamic and interactive components with a focus on reactivity and declarative rendering.

  • svelte:

    Choose svelte if you prefer a modern framework that compiles your components into highly efficient JavaScript at build time, resulting in smaller bundles and faster runtime performance. Svelte is great for building entire applications or components with a focus on simplicity, reactivity, and a clean syntax that reduces the need for boilerplate code.

  • @stencil/core:

    Choose @stencil/core if you need to create highly optimized, framework-agnostic web components with a focus on performance and standards compliance. Stencil is ideal for building a design system or a library of reusable components that can be used across multiple projects and frameworks.

README for lit

Simple. Fast. Web Components.

Build Status Published on npm Join our Discord Mentioned in Awesome Lit

Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.

At Lit's core is a boilerplate-killing component base class that provides reactive state, scoped styles, and a declarative template system that's tiny, fast and expressive.

About this release

Lit 3.0 has very few breaking changes from Lit 2.0:

  • Drops support for IE11
  • Published as ES2021
  • Removes a couple of deprecated Lit 1.x APIs

Lit 3.0 should require no changes to upgrade from Lit 2.0 for the vast majority of users. Most apps and libraries will be able to extend their npm version ranges to include both 2.x and 3.x, like "^2.7.0 || ^3.0.0".

Lit 2.x and 3.0 are interoperable: templates, base classes, directives, decorators, etc., from one version of Lit will work with those from another.

Please file any issues you find on our issue tracker.


See the full documentation for Lit at


Lit provides developers with just the right tools to build fast web components:

  • A fast declarative HTML template system
  • Reactive property declarations
  • A customizable reactive update lifecycle
  • Easy to use scoped CSS styling

Lit builds on top of standard web components, and makes them easier to write:

import {LitElement, html, css} from 'lit';
import {customElement, property} from 'lit/decorators.js';

// Registers the element
export class MyElement extends LitElement {
  // Styles are applied to the shadow root and scoped to this element
  static styles = css`
    span {
      color: green;

  // Creates a reactive property that triggers rendering
  mood = 'great';

  // Render the component's DOM by returning a Lit template
  render() {
    return html`Web Components are <span>${this.mood}</span>!`;

Once you've defined your component, you can use it anywhere you use HTML:

<my-element mood="awesome"></my-element>


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