Which is Better JavaScript Testing Utilities?
@vue/test-utils vs enzyme vs react-testing-library
1 Year
@vue/test-utilsenzymereact-testing-librarySimilar Packages:
What's JavaScript Testing Utilities?

JavaScript testing utilities are essential tools for developers to ensure the reliability and functionality of their applications. These libraries provide various methods and utilities to facilitate the testing of components, enabling developers to write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests efficiently. They help in validating the behavior of components, ensuring that they render correctly, respond to user interactions, and maintain the expected state throughout the application lifecycle. By using these testing utilities, developers can catch bugs early in the development process, leading to more robust and maintainable codebases.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
@vue/test-utils1,753,5121,0361.51 MB305 months agoMIT
enzyme1,725,57519,951-2815 years agoMIT
react-testing-library44,023---5 years ago-
Feature Comparison: @vue/test-utils vs enzyme vs react-testing-library

Component Rendering

  • @vue/test-utils: @vue/test-utils allows you to mount Vue components in isolation, providing options to simulate props, slots, and events. This enables thorough testing of component rendering and behavior, ensuring that components function correctly in various scenarios.
  • enzyme: Enzyme offers both shallow and full DOM rendering options, allowing developers to test components in isolation or within a full DOM context. Shallow rendering is particularly useful for unit tests, as it prevents child components from rendering, while full DOM rendering is suitable for integration tests.
  • react-testing-library: React Testing Library focuses on rendering components in a way that closely resembles how they will be used in a real application. It encourages testing components as users would interact with them, using methods like getByText and fireEvent to simulate user actions.

User Interaction Simulation

  • @vue/test-utils: @vue/test-utils provides methods to trigger events and simulate user interactions, such as clicks and input changes, making it easy to test how components respond to user actions and ensuring that event handlers work as expected.
  • enzyme: Enzyme allows for simulating events on components, enabling developers to test how components react to user interactions. It provides a variety of methods to simulate events like clicks, form submissions, and more, making it versatile for testing user interactions.
  • react-testing-library: React Testing Library emphasizes user interaction simulation by providing utilities to fire events and assert the resulting changes in the DOM. This approach ensures that tests reflect real user behavior, leading to more reliable and meaningful test outcomes.

Learning Curve

  • @vue/test-utils: @vue/test-utils has a relatively gentle learning curve for developers familiar with Vue.js. Its API is straightforward, and it integrates seamlessly with Vue's reactivity system, making it easy to get started with testing Vue components.
  • enzyme: Enzyme has a moderate learning curve, especially for developers new to React. While it offers powerful features, understanding its API and the differences between shallow and full DOM rendering may take some time for beginners.
  • react-testing-library: React Testing Library is designed to be intuitive and easy to learn, especially for developers who are already familiar with React. Its focus on user-centric testing helps reduce the complexity often associated with testing, making it accessible for newcomers.

Community and Ecosystem

  • @vue/test-utils: @vue/test-utils is well-supported within the Vue.js community, with extensive documentation and resources available. It integrates well with other Vue ecosystem tools, such as Vuex and Vue Router, providing a cohesive testing experience.
  • enzyme: Enzyme has a strong community backing and is widely used in the React ecosystem. However, it has faced some challenges with updates and compatibility with the latest React features, which may affect its long-term viability compared to alternatives.
  • react-testing-library: React Testing Library has gained significant popularity in the React community due to its focus on best practices and user-centric testing. Its active community and ongoing development ensure that it stays up-to-date with the latest React features and testing methodologies.

Integration with Testing Frameworks

  • @vue/test-utils: @vue/test-utils integrates seamlessly with popular testing frameworks like Jest and Mocha, allowing developers to leverage existing testing setups and write comprehensive tests for Vue components with ease.
  • enzyme: Enzyme is compatible with various testing frameworks, including Jest and Mocha, providing flexibility in how tests are structured and executed. It allows for a wide range of testing styles, from unit tests to integration tests.
  • react-testing-library: React Testing Library works well with Jest and other testing frameworks, providing a straightforward setup for testing React components. Its API is designed to complement these frameworks, making it easy to write and run tests.
How to Choose: @vue/test-utils vs enzyme vs react-testing-library
  • @vue/test-utils: Choose @vue/test-utils if you are working with Vue.js applications and need a library specifically designed to test Vue components. It provides a simple API for mounting components and simulating user interactions, making it easy to test the behavior and rendering of Vue components.
  • enzyme: Choose Enzyme if you are working with React applications and prefer a library that allows for shallow rendering and full DOM rendering. Enzyme provides a rich API for traversing and manipulating React component trees, making it ideal for unit testing and component testing in React applications.
  • react-testing-library: Choose React Testing Library if you want to focus on testing the behavior of your components from the user's perspective. It encourages good testing practices by promoting testing based on how users interact with your application, rather than the implementation details of the components.
README for @vue/test-utils

Vue Test Utils

Component testing utils for Vue 3.


🇫🇷 French version of this README.md

Installation and Usage

  • yarn: yarn add @vue/test-utils --dev
  • npm: npm install @vue/test-utils --save-dev

Get started with the documentation.

Coming from Vue 2 + Test Utils v1?

Check the migration guide. It's still a work in progress. If you find a problem or something that doesn't work that previously did in Vue Test Utils v1, please open an issue.


See the docs.


Get started by running pnpm install. You can run the tests with pnpm test. That's it!

Contributing Docs

All the documentation files can be found in packages/docs. It contains the English markdown files while translation(s) are stored in their corresponding <lang> sub-folder(s):

  • fr: French translation.

Besides that, the .vitepress sub-folder contains the config and theme, including the i18n information.

  • pnpm docs:dev: Start the docs dev server.
  • pnpm docs:build: Build the docs.

To add or maintain the translations, we follow the Vue Ecosystem Translation Guidelines.

  • pnpm docs:translation:status [<lang>]: Show the translation status for your language. If you don't specify a language, it will show the status for all languages.
  • pnpm docs:translation:compare <lang>: Compare the docs with the latest checkpoint for your language.
  • pnpm docs:translation:update <lang> [<commit>]: Update the checkpoint for your language. The checkpoint will be set by the latest commit hash. However, you can also specify a commit hash manually.