react-data-grid vs handsontable vs ag-grid
Data Grid Libraries Comparison
1 Year
react-data-gridhandsontableag-gridSimilar Packages:
What's Data Grid Libraries?

Data grid libraries are essential tools in web development that provide a structured way to display and manipulate tabular data. They come with a variety of features such as sorting, filtering, and editing capabilities, making it easier for developers to create interactive and user-friendly applications. These libraries are particularly useful in applications that require handling large datasets, allowing for efficient data management and visualization. Each library has its unique strengths and weaknesses, catering to different use cases and developer preferences.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
react-data-grid168,9767,062815 kB1324 months agoMIT
handsontable104,41320,30820.4 MB420a month agoSEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.txt
ag-grid12,76013,252-596 years agoMIT
Feature Comparison: react-data-grid vs handsontable vs ag-grid


  • react-data-grid:

    React Data Grid allows for moderate customization through its API, enabling developers to create custom cell renderers and editors. However, it is less flexible compared to ag-Grid, making it more suitable for simpler use cases where extensive customization is not required.

  • handsontable:

    Handsontable provides a user-friendly API for customization, enabling developers to create custom cell types and editors. It also supports various themes and styles, making it easy to integrate into existing applications while maintaining a consistent look and feel.

  • ag-grid:

    ag-Grid offers extensive customization options, allowing developers to define custom cell renderers, editors, and filters. It supports themes and provides a rich API for fine-tuning the grid's behavior and appearance, making it suitable for complex applications that require tailored solutions.


  • react-data-grid:

    React Data Grid is designed for performance in React applications, utilizing techniques like virtualization to optimize rendering. It is a good choice for applications that require quick interactions with moderately sized datasets.

  • handsontable:

    Handsontable performs well with moderate datasets, but may experience performance issues with very large datasets due to its reliance on DOM manipulation for rendering. It is best suited for applications where data size is manageable and user interaction is prioritized.

  • ag-grid:

    ag-Grid is optimized for performance, capable of handling large datasets efficiently. It utilizes virtual scrolling and lazy loading techniques to ensure smooth rendering and interaction, making it ideal for applications with extensive data requirements.


  • react-data-grid:

    React Data Grid is specifically built for React applications, ensuring seamless integration with the React ecosystem. It leverages React's component-based architecture, making it a natural fit for developers already using React.

  • handsontable:

    Handsontable is primarily focused on providing a spreadsheet-like experience and integrates well with vanilla JavaScript and frameworks like React and Angular. Its API is straightforward, making it easy to implement in various projects.

  • ag-grid:

    ag-Grid can be integrated with various frameworks and libraries, including Angular, Vue, and React. Its flexibility allows it to fit into different tech stacks, making it a versatile choice for developers working across multiple platforms.


  • react-data-grid:

    React Data Grid provides essential features such as sorting, filtering, and inline editing. While it may not have as many advanced features as ag-Grid, it strikes a balance between functionality and ease of use for typical data grid needs.

  • handsontable:

    Handsontable offers features like cell editing, data validation, and formula support, resembling a spreadsheet application. It is particularly useful for applications that require user-friendly data entry and manipulation capabilities.

  • ag-grid:

    ag-Grid is packed with features including grouping, aggregation, pivoting, filtering, and sorting. It also supports advanced functionalities like row grouping and master-detail views, making it suitable for complex data scenarios.

Learning Curve

  • react-data-grid:

    React Data Grid is designed to be user-friendly, with a gentle learning curve for React developers. Its simplicity and focus on core functionalities make it easy to get started without extensive setup.

  • handsontable:

    Handsontable is relatively easy to learn, especially for developers familiar with spreadsheet concepts. Its straightforward API allows for quick implementation, making it accessible for those new to data grid libraries.

  • ag-grid:

    ag-Grid has a steeper learning curve due to its extensive feature set and customization options. Developers may need to invest time in understanding its API and configurations to fully leverage its capabilities.

How to Choose: react-data-grid vs handsontable vs ag-grid
  • react-data-grid:

    Opt for React Data Grid if you want a lightweight and easy-to-use grid specifically designed for React applications. It offers a good balance of features and performance, making it suitable for projects that need quick implementation without extensive configuration.

  • handsontable:

    Select Handsontable if you are looking for a spreadsheet-like experience with a focus on data entry and manipulation. It is particularly useful for applications that require Excel-like functionalities such as cell editing, formulas, and data validation.

  • ag-grid:

    Choose ag-Grid if you need a highly customizable and feature-rich grid solution that supports complex data operations, including grouping, aggregation, and pivoting. It is ideal for enterprise-level applications where performance and flexibility are critical.

README for react-data-grid


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npm install react-data-grid

react-data-grid is published as ECMAScript modules for evergreen browsers / bundlers, and CommonJS for server-side rendering / Jest.

Quick start

import 'react-data-grid/lib/styles.css';

import DataGrid from 'react-data-grid';

const columns = [
  { key: 'id', name: 'ID' },
  { key: 'title', name: 'Title' }

const rows = [
  { id: 0, title: 'Example' },
  { id: 1, title: 'Demo' }

function App() {
  return <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} />;



<DataGrid />

columns: readonly Column<R, SR>[]

See Column.

An array describing the grid's columns.

:warning: Passing a new columns array will trigger a re-render for the whole grid, avoid changing it as much as possible for optimal performance.

rows: readonly R[]

An array of rows, the rows data can be of any type.

topSummaryRows?: Maybe<readonly SR[]>
bottomSummaryRows?: Maybe<readonly SR[]>

An optional array of summary rows, usually used to display total values for example.

rowKeyGetter?: Maybe<(row: R) => K>

A function returning a unique key/identifier per row. rowKeyGetter is required for row selection to work.

import DataGrid from 'react-data-grid';

interface Row {
  id: number;
  name: string;

function rowKeyGetter(row: Row) {

function MyGrid() {
  return <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} rowKeyGetter={rowKeyGetter} />;

:bulb: While optional, setting this prop is recommended for optimal performance as the returned value is used to set the key prop on the row elements.

onRowsChange?: Maybe<(rows: R[], data: RowsChangeData<R, SR>) => void>

A function receiving row updates. The first parameter is a new rows array with both the updated rows and the other untouched rows. The second parameter is an object with an indexes array highlighting which rows have changed by their index, and the column where the change happened.

import { useState } from 'react';
import DataGrid from 'react-data-grid';

function MyGrid() {
  const [rows, setRows] = useState(initialRows);

  return <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} onRowsChange={setRows} />;
rowHeight?: Maybe<number | ((row: R) => number)>

Default: 35 pixels

Either a number defining the height of row in pixels, or a function returning dynamic row heights.

headerRowHeight?: Maybe<number>

Default: 35 pixels

A number defining the height of the header row.

summaryRowHeight?: Maybe<number>

Default: 35 pixels

A number defining the height of summary rows.

selectedRows?: Maybe<ReadonlySet<K>>
isRowSelectionDisabled?: Maybe<(row: NoInfer<R>) => boolean>
onSelectedRowsChange?: Maybe<(selectedRows: Set<K>) => void>
sortColumns?: Maybe<readonly SortColumn[]>
onSortColumnsChange?: Maybe<(sortColumns: SortColumn[]) => void>
defaultColumnOptions?: Maybe<DefaultColumnOptions<R, SR>>
groupBy?: Maybe<readonly string[]>
rowGrouper?: Maybe<(rows: readonly R[], columnKey: string) => Record<string, readonly R[]>>
expandedGroupIds?: Maybe<ReadonlySet<unknown>>
onExpandedGroupIdsChange?: Maybe<(expandedGroupIds: Set<unknown>) => void>
onFill?: Maybe<(event: FillEvent<R>) => R>
onCopy?: Maybe<(event: CopyEvent<R>) => void>
onPaste?: Maybe<(event: PasteEvent<R>) => R>
onCellClick?: Maybe<(args: CellClickArgs<R, SR>, event: CellMouseEvent) => void>
onCellDoubleClick?: Maybe<(args: CellClickArgs<R, SR>, event: CellMouseEvent) => void>
onCellContextMenu?: Maybe<(args: CellClickArgs<R, SR>, event: CellMouseEvent) => void>
onCellKeyDown?: Maybe<(args: CellKeyDownArgs<R, SR>, event: CellKeyboardEvent) => void>
onSelectedCellChange?: Maybe<(args: CellSelectArgs<R, SR>) => void>;

Triggered when the selected cell is changed.


  • args.rowIdx: number - row index
  • args.row: R - row object of the currently selected cell
  • args.column: CalculatedColumn<TRow, TSummaryRow> - column object of the currently selected cell
onScroll?: Maybe<(event: React.UIEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void>
onColumnResize?: Maybe<(idx: number, width: number) => void>
enableVirtualization?: Maybe<boolean>
renderers?: Maybe<Renderers<R, SR>>

This prop can be used to override the internal renderers. The prop accepts an object of type

interface Renderers<TRow, TSummaryRow> {
  renderCheckbox?: Maybe<(props: RenderCheckboxProps) => ReactNode>;
  renderRow?: Maybe<(key: Key, props: RenderRowProps<TRow, TSummaryRow>) => ReactNode>;
  renderSortStatus?: Maybe<(props: RenderSortStatusProps) => ReactNode>;
  noRowsFallback?: Maybe<ReactNode>;

For example, the default <Row /> component can be wrapped via the renderRow prop to add context providers or tweak props

import DataGrid, { RenderRowProps, Row } from 'react-data-grid';

function myRowRenderer(key: React.Key, props: RenderRowProps<Row>) {
  return (
    <MyContext.Provider key={key} value={123}>
      <Row {...props} />

function MyGrid() {
  return <DataGrid columns={columns} rows={rows} renderers={{ renderRow: myRowRenderer }} />;

:warning: To prevent all rows from being unmounted on re-renders, make sure to pass a static or memoized component to renderRow.

rowClass?: Maybe<(row: R) => Maybe<string>>
direction?: Maybe<'ltr' | 'rtl'>

This property sets the text direction of the grid, it defaults to 'ltr' (left-to-right). Setting direction to 'rtl' has the following effects:

  • Columns flow from right to left
  • Frozen columns are pinned on the right
  • Column resize handle is shown on the left edge of the column
  • Scrollbar is moved to the left
className?: string | undefined
style?: CSSProperties | undefined
'aria-label'?: string | undefined
'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined
'aria-describedby'?: string | undefined
'data-testid'?: Maybe<string>

<TextEditor />


See RenderEditCellProps

<Row />

See renderers


See RenderRowProps

The ref prop is supported.

<SortableHeaderCell />

onSort: (ctrlClick: boolean) => void
sortDirection: SortDirection | undefined
priority: number | undefined
tabIndex: number
children: React.ReactNode

<ValueFormatter />


See FormatterProps

<SelectCellFormatter />

value: boolean
tabIndex: number
disabled?: boolean | undefined
onChange: (value: boolean, isShiftClick: boolean) => void
onClick?: MouseEventHandler<T> | undefined
'aria-label'?: string | undefined
'aria-labelledby'?: string | undefined

<ToggleGroupFormatter />


See RenderGroupCellProps


useRowSelection<R>(): [boolean, (selectRowEvent: SelectRowEvent<R>) => void]


SelectColumn: Column<any, any>

SELECT_COLUMN_KEY = 'select-row'









  • R, TRow: Row type
  • SR, TSummaryRow: Summary row type
  • K: Row key type