Which is Better CSS Processing Tools?
autoprefixer vs cssnano vs postcss-preset-env vs stylelint vs purify-css
1 Year
autoprefixercssnanopostcss-preset-envstylelintpurify-cssSimilar Packages:
What's CSS Processing Tools?

CSS processing tools are essential for modern web development, providing automation and optimization features that enhance the efficiency and performance of stylesheets. These tools help developers write cleaner, more maintainable CSS code while ensuring compatibility across different browsers and environments. By integrating these packages into the development workflow, developers can streamline their CSS management, reduce file sizes, and enforce coding standards, ultimately leading to a better user experience and easier maintenance.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
autoprefixer19,709,75221,657199 kB392 months agoMIT
cssnano10,444,3154,7607.33 kB96a month agoMIT
postcss-preset-env5,360,18889785 kB721 hours agoMIT-0
stylelint4,532,77910,9961.48 MB125a month agoMIT
purify-css21,7419,921-857 years agoMIT
Feature Comparison: autoprefixer vs cssnano vs postcss-preset-env vs stylelint vs purify-css

Cross-Browser Compatibility

  • autoprefixer: Autoprefixer analyzes your CSS and adds vendor prefixes based on the latest browser data, ensuring that your styles work seamlessly across different browsers and versions without manual intervention.
  • cssnano: Cssnano does not directly address cross-browser compatibility but focuses on optimizing CSS for performance. It assumes that the CSS is already compatible and works to reduce its size and improve loading times.
  • postcss-preset-env: PostCSS Preset Env allows you to use modern CSS features while ensuring compatibility with older browsers by transforming your CSS into a version that works across various environments, thus enhancing cross-browser support.
  • stylelint: Stylelint does not handle cross-browser compatibility directly but helps maintain consistent coding practices that can lead to better compatibility through adherence to standards.
  • purify-css: Purify-css does not specifically address cross-browser compatibility but ensures that only the CSS rules that are actually used in your HTML are included, which indirectly contributes to better performance across all browsers.


  • autoprefixer: While Autoprefixer primarily focuses on adding vendor prefixes, it indirectly contributes to optimization by ensuring that your CSS is compatible with various browsers, reducing the need for fallback styles.
  • cssnano: Cssnano is specifically designed for optimization, providing a suite of tools to minimize CSS file sizes, remove unnecessary whitespace, and optimize rules, which can lead to faster load times and improved performance.
  • postcss-preset-env: PostCSS Preset Env optimizes your CSS by allowing you to use future CSS features today, which can lead to more efficient stylesheets that are easier to maintain and optimize for production.
  • stylelint: Stylelint helps optimize your CSS development process by enforcing best practices and coding standards, which can lead to cleaner, more maintainable code that is easier to optimize.
  • purify-css: Purify-css optimizes your CSS by removing unused styles, ensuring that only the necessary CSS is included in the final output, which reduces file size and improves loading times.

Learning Curve

  • autoprefixer: Autoprefixer has a low learning curve, as it integrates easily into existing workflows and requires minimal configuration to get started, making it accessible for developers of all skill levels.
  • cssnano: Cssnano has a straightforward setup, but understanding its various optimization options may require some learning, especially for developers new to CSS optimization techniques.
  • postcss-preset-env: PostCSS Preset Env has a moderate learning curve, as it introduces developers to modern CSS features and requires some understanding of how to configure PostCSS effectively.
  • stylelint: Stylelint has a moderate learning curve, as it requires familiarity with linting concepts and configuration, but it is well-documented and widely used, making resources readily available.
  • purify-css: Purify-css is relatively easy to use, but developers need to understand how to integrate it into their build process and may need to learn about its configuration options for optimal results.

File Size Reduction

  • autoprefixer: Autoprefixer does not directly reduce file size, but by ensuring compatibility and reducing the need for fallback styles, it can lead to a more streamlined CSS file overall.
  • cssnano: Cssnano excels in file size reduction, employing various techniques such as minification and removing dead code to significantly decrease CSS file sizes, which is crucial for performance optimization.
  • postcss-preset-env: PostCSS Preset Env can contribute to file size reduction by allowing the use of modern CSS features that may lead to more concise styles, but its primary focus is on compatibility rather than size reduction.
  • stylelint: Stylelint does not directly reduce file size but promotes best practices that can lead to more efficient and maintainable CSS, which may indirectly contribute to size reduction over time.
  • purify-css: Purify-css is specifically designed to reduce file size by eliminating unused CSS rules, ensuring that only the necessary styles are included in the final output, leading to lighter CSS files.
How to Choose: autoprefixer vs cssnano vs postcss-preset-env vs stylelint vs purify-css
  • autoprefixer: Choose Autoprefixer if you need to ensure your CSS works across different browsers by automatically adding vendor prefixes to CSS rules, improving cross-browser compatibility without manual effort.
  • cssnano: Select cssnano when you want to optimize your CSS for production by minimizing file size through various optimization techniques, which can significantly improve loading times and performance.
  • postcss-preset-env: Use postcss-preset-env if you want to leverage modern CSS features while ensuring compatibility with older browsers, as it allows you to use future CSS syntax today and automatically transpiles it to a compatible version.
  • stylelint: Choose stylelint if you want to enforce consistent coding standards and best practices in your CSS codebase, as it provides a powerful linter that helps catch errors and maintain code quality.
  • purify-css: Opt for purify-css if you need to remove unused CSS from your stylesheets, which can help reduce file size and improve performance by ensuring only the necessary styles are included in the final output.
README for autoprefixer

Autoprefixer Cult Of Martians

PostCSS plugin to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use. It is recommended by Google and used in Twitter and Alibaba.

Write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes (in fact, forget about them entirely):

::placeholder {
  color: gray;

.image {
  background-image: url(image@1x.png);
@media (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
  .image {
    background-image: url(image@2x.png);

Autoprefixer will use the data based on current browser popularity and property support to apply prefixes for you. You can try the interactive demo of Autoprefixer.

::-moz-placeholder {
  color: gray;
::placeholder {
  color: gray;

.image {
  background-image: url(image@1x.png);
@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
       (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
  .image {
    background-image: url(image@2x.png);

Twitter account for news and releases: @autoprefixer.

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Read full docs here.