sequelize vs sqlite3 vs better-sqlite3 vs sqlite
Node.js Database Libraries Comparison
1 Year
sequelizesqlite3better-sqlite3sqliteSimilar Packages:
What's Node.js Database Libraries?

Node.js database libraries provide developers with tools to interact with databases in a more efficient and structured manner. These libraries facilitate database operations such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data, while also managing connections and transactions. The choice of a specific library can significantly impact the development process, performance, and maintainability of the application. Each library has its unique features, performance characteristics, and design philosophies, making it essential to understand their differences when selecting one for your project.

Package Weekly Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
sequelize1,987,90929,8212.91 MB956a day agoMIT
sqlite31,177,1706,2973.35 MB180a year agoBSD-3-Clause
better-sqlite31,156,1155,90410.1 MB992 months agoMIT
sqlite163,23491498.5 kB4a year agoMIT
Feature Comparison: sequelize vs sqlite3 vs better-sqlite3 vs sqlite


  • sequelize:

    Sequelize, being an ORM, introduces some overhead due to its abstraction layer. While it offers powerful features, this can sometimes lead to slower performance compared to raw SQL queries, especially in complex queries or large datasets.

  • sqlite3:

    sqlite3 is optimized for asynchronous operations, allowing for non-blocking database interactions. This can lead to better performance in I/O-bound applications, especially when handling multiple concurrent queries.

  • better-sqlite3:

    better-sqlite3 is designed for high performance with synchronous operations, making it faster for small to medium-sized applications. It minimizes overhead and provides a direct interface to SQLite, which can lead to better performance in scenarios where speed is critical.

  • sqlite:

    sqlite is a lightweight library that provides basic functionality for SQLite databases. Its performance is adequate for small applications, but it lacks advanced features that can optimize performance in larger applications.

Ease of Use

  • sequelize:

    Sequelize provides a rich set of features and abstractions, which can make it more complex to learn initially. However, once mastered, it allows for powerful data modeling and relationships, making it easier to manage complex data structures.

  • sqlite3:

    sqlite3 has a standard API that is easy to understand, especially for those familiar with Node.js. It supports both callbacks and promises, providing flexibility in handling asynchronous operations.

  • better-sqlite3:

    better-sqlite3 offers a simple and intuitive API that allows developers to execute SQL queries directly without the need for complex abstractions. This makes it easy to learn and use, especially for those familiar with SQL.

  • sqlite:

    sqlite is straightforward and easy to use, making it suitable for beginners or small projects. It requires minimal setup and allows for quick prototyping.

Features and Functionality

  • sequelize:

    Sequelize is a powerful ORM that supports various SQL dialects and provides features like model validation, associations, migrations, and hooks. It abstracts database interactions, making it easier to work with complex data relationships.

  • sqlite3:

    sqlite3 provides a comprehensive interface for interacting with SQLite databases, including support for prepared statements and transactions. However, it does not offer the advanced features of an ORM.

  • better-sqlite3:

    better-sqlite3 focuses on performance and simplicity, providing a minimalistic API for executing SQL queries. It does not include ORM features, making it ideal for developers who prefer raw SQL and direct database manipulation.

  • sqlite:

    sqlite is a basic library that offers essential SQLite functionalities without additional features. It is suitable for simple applications that do not require advanced database management capabilities.

Community and Support

  • sequelize:

    Sequelize has a large community and extensive documentation, making it easier to find support and resources. Its popularity means that many tutorials and examples are available online.

  • sqlite3:

    sqlite3 is widely used and has a strong community backing. It is well-documented, and many resources are available for troubleshooting and learning.

  • better-sqlite3:

    better-sqlite3 has a growing community and is actively maintained, but it may not have as extensive a user base as some of the other libraries. Documentation is clear and helpful for getting started quickly.

  • sqlite:

    sqlite has been around for a long time and has a solid user base, but its library is quite basic, which may limit community support for advanced use cases.


  • sequelize:

    Sequelize provides flexibility through its ORM capabilities, allowing developers to define models and relationships. However, this abstraction can also limit flexibility in complex queries where raw SQL might be more efficient.

  • sqlite3:

    sqlite3 offers a good balance of flexibility and ease of use, allowing developers to execute raw SQL queries while also supporting prepared statements and transactions.

  • better-sqlite3:

    better-sqlite3 offers flexibility in terms of SQL query execution, allowing developers to write raw SQL without any constraints imposed by an ORM. This is beneficial for those who prefer direct control over their database interactions.

  • sqlite:

    sqlite is a basic library that offers minimal flexibility, as it does not support advanced features or abstractions. It is best suited for simple applications where complex data interactions are not required.

How to Choose: sequelize vs sqlite3 vs better-sqlite3 vs sqlite
  • sequelize:

    Choose Sequelize if you require a full-fledged ORM that supports multiple SQL dialects and provides advanced features like associations, migrations, and model validation. It is suitable for larger applications where you want to abstract database interactions and leverage a rich set of functionalities.

  • sqlite3:

    Choose sqlite3 if you want a well-established, asynchronous SQLite library that supports promises and callbacks. It is a good choice for applications that require non-blocking database operations and are built on Node.js.

  • better-sqlite3:

    Choose better-sqlite3 if you need a fast, synchronous SQLite library that offers a simple API and high performance for small to medium-sized applications. It is ideal for projects where you want direct control over SQL queries without the overhead of an ORM.

  • sqlite:

    Choose sqlite if you need a lightweight, file-based database solution for small applications or prototyping. It is a straightforward library that allows you to work with SQLite databases without any additional features or abstractions.

README for sequelize

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npm version Build Status npm downloads contributors Open Collective sponsor Merged PRs semantic-release License: MIT

Sequelize is an easy-to-use and promise-based Node.js ORM tool for Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Snowflake. It features solid transaction support, relations, eager and lazy loading, read replication and more.

Would you like to contribute? Read our contribution guidelines to know more. There are many ways to help! 😃

🚀 Seeking New Maintainers for Sequelize! 🚀

We're looking for new maintainers to help finalize and release the next major version of Sequelize! If you're passionate about open-source and database ORMs, we'd love to have you onboard.

💰 Funding Available

We distribute $2,500 per quarter among maintainers and have additional funds for full-time contributions.

🛠️ What You’ll Work On

  • Finalizing and releasing Sequelize’s next major version
  • Improving TypeScript support and database integrations
  • Fixing critical issues and shaping the ORM’s future

🤝 How to Get Involved

Interested? Join our Slack and reach out to @WikiRik or @sdepold:

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:computer: Getting Started

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:money_with_wings: Supporting the project

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We have recently created an OpenCollective based money pool which is shared amongst all core maintainers based on their contributions. Every support is wholeheartedly welcome. ❤️

:pencil: Major version changelog

Please find upgrade information to major versions here:

:book: Resources

:wrench: Tools

:speech_balloon: Translations

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If you have security issues to report, please refer to our Responsible Disclosure Policy for more details.