Which is Better Image Processing Libraries?
sharp vs canvas vs jimp vs gm
1 Year
sharpcanvasjimpgmSimilar Packages:
What's Image Processing Libraries?

Image processing libraries in Node.js provide developers with tools to manipulate images, perform transformations, and generate graphics programmatically. These libraries cater to various needs, from simple image manipulations to complex graphics generation, and are essential for applications that require image handling, such as web applications, graphic design tools, and data visualization. Each library has its unique strengths, performance characteristics, and use cases, making it crucial for developers to choose the right one based on their specific requirements.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
sharp6,231,25629,001503 kB1072 months agoApache-2.0
canvas2,264,49510,131518 kB4402 years agoMIT
jimp1,286,368-4.03 MB-25 days agoMIT
gm355,2956,947121 kB367-MIT
Feature Comparison: sharp vs canvas vs jimp vs gm


  • sharp: Sharp is one of the fastest image processing libraries available for Node.js, leveraging the libvips library for high performance. It is particularly effective for large images and can handle multiple operations in a single pipeline, making it ideal for performance-critical applications.
  • canvas: Canvas is generally slower than native libraries because it relies on the JavaScript runtime for processing. However, it provides a flexible API for drawing and manipulating images, making it suitable for applications where performance is not the primary concern.
  • jimp: Jimp is designed for simplicity and ease of use, but it may not be as fast as other libraries for large images or complex operations. It is best suited for smaller images and straightforward tasks, where development speed is a priority over raw performance.
  • gm: GraphicsMagick is known for its speed and efficiency, especially in batch processing scenarios. It is optimized for handling large numbers of images and can perform operations quickly, making it a good choice for server-side image processing.

Ease of Use

  • sharp: Sharp has a slightly steeper learning curve due to its advanced features and options, but its performance and capabilities make it worth the effort. The API is well-documented, which aids in learning and implementation.
  • canvas: Canvas provides a familiar API for those who have experience with the HTML5 Canvas element, making it relatively easy to pick up for web developers. However, its complexity can increase with advanced graphics operations.
  • jimp: Jimp is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive API that allows developers to perform common image operations with minimal code. It is particularly appealing for those new to image processing in Node.js.
  • gm: GraphicsMagick has a straightforward command-line interface and a simple API, making it easy to use for basic image manipulation tasks. Its extensive documentation helps users quickly understand its capabilities.

Image Formats Supported

  • sharp: Sharp supports a broad array of image formats, including PNG, JPEG, WebP, TIFF, and more. Its ability to handle multiple formats makes it a versatile choice for applications dealing with diverse image types.
  • canvas: Canvas supports a variety of image formats, including PNG, JPEG, and GIF. However, its capabilities may be limited compared to specialized libraries when dealing with less common formats.
  • jimp: Jimp supports common formats like PNG and JPEG, but it does not support as many formats as some other libraries. It is best suited for projects that primarily use these formats.
  • gm: GraphicsMagick supports a wide range of image formats, including PNG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and more. It is particularly strong in handling various image types, making it versatile for different applications.

Community and Support

  • sharp: Sharp has a vibrant community and is actively maintained, with frequent updates and improvements. Its performance and capabilities have attracted a lot of attention, leading to a wealth of resources and support.
  • canvas: Canvas has a strong community and is widely used in web development, which means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and support available for developers.
  • jimp: Jimp has gained popularity for its simplicity and ease of use, resulting in a growing community. However, it may not have as extensive resources as more established libraries.
  • gm: GraphicsMagick has been around for a long time and has a stable user base. While its community is smaller than some newer libraries, it still offers good documentation and support.

Use Cases

  • sharp: Sharp is best for high-performance applications that need to process large volumes of images quickly, such as image upload services, content delivery networks, or any application where speed is critical.
  • canvas: Canvas is ideal for applications that require dynamic graphics generation, such as games, data visualization, or interactive web applications where real-time rendering is needed.
  • jimp: Jimp is perfect for simple image processing tasks, such as adding watermarks, resizing images, or basic editing, especially in projects where ease of use is a priority.
  • gm: GraphicsMagick is well-suited for server-side image processing tasks, such as batch resizing, format conversion, and image manipulation for web applications.
How to Choose: sharp vs canvas vs jimp vs gm
  • sharp: Choose Sharp if you need a high-performance library optimized for speed and efficiency, particularly for large images. It is built on libvips and excels in image resizing, conversion, and processing, making it suitable for applications that handle a significant volume of images.
  • canvas: Choose Canvas if you need a powerful library that closely resembles the HTML5 Canvas API, allowing for complex graphics and image manipulations. It is ideal for applications that require drawing operations, such as generating charts or dynamic graphics.
  • jimp: Choose Jimp if you prefer a pure JavaScript solution that is easy to use and integrates well with Node.js. It is great for basic image processing tasks and is particularly useful for projects that need to manipulate images without external dependencies or native bindings.
  • gm: Choose GraphicsMagick (gm) if you require a simple interface for image processing with a focus on performance and ease of use. It is suitable for batch processing and offers a wide range of image manipulation capabilities, including resizing, cropping, and format conversion.
README for sharp


sharp logo

The typical use case for this high speed Node-API module is to convert large images in common formats to smaller, web-friendly JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF and AVIF images of varying dimensions.

It can be used with all JavaScript runtimes that provide support for Node-API v9, including Node.js (^18.17.0 or >= 20.3.0), Deno and Bun.

Resizing an image is typically 4x-5x faster than using the quickest ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick settings due to its use of libvips.

Colour spaces, embedded ICC profiles and alpha transparency channels are all handled correctly. Lanczos resampling ensures quality is not sacrificed for speed.

As well as image resizing, operations such as rotation, extraction, compositing and gamma correction are available.

Most modern macOS, Windows and Linux systems do not require any additional install or runtime dependencies.


Visit sharp.pixelplumbing.com for complete installation instructions, API documentation, benchmark tests and changelog.


npm install sharp
const sharp = require('sharp');


  .resize(320, 240)
  .toFile('output.webp', (err, info) => { ... });


  .jpeg({ mozjpeg: true })
  .then( data => { ... })
  .catch( err => { ... });


const semiTransparentRedPng = await sharp({
  create: {
    width: 48,
    height: 48,
    channels: 4,
    background: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0.5 }


const roundedCorners = Buffer.from(
  '<svg><rect x="0" y="0" width="200" height="200" rx="50" ry="50"/></svg>'

const roundedCornerResizer =
    .resize(200, 200)
      input: roundedCorners,
      blend: 'dest-in'



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