copy files easily
npm install copyfiles -g
Usage: copyfiles [options] inFile [more files ...] outDirectory
-u, --up slice a path off the bottom of the paths [number]
-a, --all include files & directories begining with a dot (.) [boolean]
-f, --flat flatten the output [boolean]
-e, --exclude pattern or glob to exclude (may be passed multiple times)
-E, --error throw error if nothing is copied [boolean]
-V, --verbose print more information to console [boolean]
-s, --soft do not overwrite destination files if they exist [boolean]
-F, --follow follow symbolink links [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
copy some files, give it a bunch of arguments, (which can include globs), the last one is the out directory (which it will create if necessary). Note: on windows globs must be double quoted, everybody else can quote however they please.
copyfiles foo foobar foo/bar/*.js out
you now have a directory called out, with the files foo and foobar in it, it also has a directory named foo with a directory named bar in it that has all the files from foo/bar that match the glob.
If all the files are in a folder that you don't want in the path out path, ex:
copyfiles something/*.js out
which would put all the js files in out/something
, you can use the --up
(or -u
) option
copyfiles -u 1 something/*.js out
which would put all the js files in out
you can also just do -f which will flatten all the output into one directory, so with files ./foo/a.txt and ./foo/bar/b.txt
copyfiles -f ./foo/*.txt ./foo/bar/*.txt out
will put a.txt and b.txt into out
if your terminal doesn't support globstars then you can quote them
copyfiles -f ./foo/**/*.txt out
does not work by default on a mac
copyfiles -f "./foo/**/*.txt" out
You could quote globstars as a part of input:
copyfiles some.json "./some_folder/*.json" ./dist/ && echo 'JSON files copied.'
You can use the -e option to exclude some files from the pattern, so to exclude all all files ending in .test.js you could do
copyfiles -e "**/*.test.js" -f ./foo/**/*.js out
Other options include
or --all
which includes files that start with a dot.-s
or --soft
to soft copy, which will not overwrite existing files.-F
or --follow
which follows symbolinksalso creates a copyup
command which is identical to copyfiles
but -up
defaults to 1
var copyfiles = require('copyfiles');
copyfiles([paths], opt, callback);
takes an array of paths, last one is the destination path, also takes an optional argument which the -u option if a number, otherwise if it's true
it's the flat option or if it is an object it is a hash of the various options (the long version e.g. up, all, flat, exclude, error, verbose, follow, and soft)
when the src/dest path start with tilde for home directory under windows, please make sure -u or -f is added in options or use copyup command. if not you will get Error: Illegal characters in path.