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element-ui196,95053,9582,75811 days agoMIT License
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element-ui is a popular UI component library for Vue.js applications. It provides a wide range of customizable and easy-to-use components that help developers build sleek and modern user interfaces. While element-ui is a widely-used choice for Vue.js projects, there are other UI component libraries available in the Vue.js ecosystem. Here are a few alternatives:

  • ant-design-vue is a Vue implementation of the Ant Design System, offering a comprehensive set of high-quality UI components for Vue.js applications.
  • bootstrap-vue provides Vue.js bindings for the popular Bootstrap framework, allowing developers to easily integrate Bootstrap's components and styles into their Vue.js projects.
  • vuetify is a material design component framework for Vue.js that offers a wide selection of UI components following Google's Material Design guidelines.

For a detailed comparison of ant-design-vue, bootstrap-vue, element-ui, and vuetify, check out: Comparing ant-design-vue vs bootstrap-vue vs element-ui vs vuetify.

README for element-ui

A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web.

Element will stay with Vue 2.x

For Vue 3.0, we recommend using Element Plus(Element Plus is a community develop project)

For MiniProgram development, we recommend using MorJS



npm install element-ui -S

Quick Start

import Vue from 'vue'
import Element from 'element-ui'


// or
import {
  // ...
} from 'element-ui'

Vue.component(, Select)
Vue.component(, Button)

For more information, please refer to Quick Start in our documentation.

Browser Support

Modern browsers and Internet Explorer 10+.


Skip this part if you just want to use Element.

For those who are interested in contributing to Element, please refer to our contributing guide (中文 | English | Español | Français) to see how to run this project.


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


We have collected some frequently asked questions. Before reporting an issue, please search if the FAQ has the answer to your problem.


Please make sure to read the contributing guide (中文 | English | Español | Français) before making a pull request.

Special Thanks

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