signal-exit vs exit-hook
Node.js Process Exit Handling Libraries Comparison
1 Year
What's Node.js Process Exit Handling Libraries?

Both exit-hook and signal-exit are npm packages designed to help developers manage process exit events in Node.js applications. They allow developers to execute specific cleanup logic or perform actions when the Node.js process is about to exit, whether due to a normal exit, a termination signal, or an uncaught exception. These libraries enhance the robustness of applications by ensuring that necessary cleanup tasks are performed, such as closing database connections, clearing temporary files, or logging exit reasons.

Package Weekly Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
signal-exit105,072,34218977 kB62 years agoISC
exit-hook2,821,79928211.3 kB52 years agoMIT
Feature Comparison: signal-exit vs exit-hook

Signal Handling

  • signal-exit:

    signal-exit listens for specific termination signals (like SIGINT and SIGTERM) and ensures that your cleanup functions are called when these signals are received. This makes it a reliable choice for applications that need to gracefully handle unexpected terminations.

  • exit-hook:

    exit-hook allows you to register multiple exit hooks that will be executed in the order they were registered. This feature is particularly useful for applications that need to perform several cleanup tasks before exiting, ensuring that all necessary actions are taken in a controlled manner.

Cleanup Order

  • signal-exit:

    signal-exit does not guarantee the order of cleanup function execution. It simply ensures that all registered functions are called when the process exits, which may be sufficient for simpler use cases.

  • exit-hook:

    With exit-hook, you can specify the order in which your cleanup functions are executed. This is crucial for applications where the order of operations matters, such as closing database connections before shutting down the server.

Ease of Use

  • signal-exit:

    signal-exit requires a bit more setup compared to exit-hook, as it focuses on handling signals and exceptions. While it provides more comprehensive functionality, it may involve a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with signal handling in Node.js.

  • exit-hook:

    exit-hook is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing developers to quickly register exit hooks without much boilerplate code. This makes it an excellent choice for developers looking for a lightweight solution to manage process exits.


  • signal-exit:

    signal-exit is also compatible with all Node.js versions, but it is particularly beneficial for applications that need to handle process termination in a more controlled manner, especially in production environments.

  • exit-hook:

    exit-hook is compatible with all Node.js versions and works seamlessly across different environments, making it a versatile choice for various applications.

Community Support

  • signal-exit:

    signal-exit has a larger community and is widely used in various Node.js applications, which means you can find more resources, examples, and community support when using this package.

  • exit-hook:

    exit-hook has a smaller community compared to signal-exit, but it is straightforward and effective for its intended purpose, making it a reliable choice for many developers.

How to Choose: signal-exit vs exit-hook
  • signal-exit:

    Choose signal-exit if you need a more robust solution that specifically handles termination signals and uncaught exceptions. It is particularly useful for applications that need to ensure cleanup on various signals like SIGINT, SIGTERM, or when the process is killed, providing a more comprehensive approach to exit handling.

  • exit-hook:

    Choose exit-hook if you need a straightforward way to register cleanup functions that will run on process exit, especially if you want to handle multiple exit scenarios with ease. It allows you to define hooks that can be executed in a specific order, making it ideal for applications that require precise cleanup logic.

README for signal-exit


When you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits:

  • reaching the end of execution.
  • explicitly having process.exit(code) called.
  • having process.kill(pid, sig) called.
  • receiving a fatal signal from outside the process

Use signal-exit.

// Hybrid module, either works
import { onExit } from 'signal-exit'
// or:
// const { onExit } = require('signal-exit')

onExit((code, signal) => {
  console.log('process exited!', code, signal)


remove = onExit((code, signal) => {}, options)

The return value of the function is a function that will remove the handler.

Note that the function only fires for signals if the signal would cause the process to exit. That is, there are no other listeners, and it is a fatal signal.

If the global process object is not suitable for this purpose (ie, it's unset, or doesn't have an emit method, etc.) then the onExit function is a no-op that returns a no-op remove method.


  • alwaysLast: Run this handler after any other signal or exit handlers. This causes process.emit to be monkeypatched.

Capturing Signal Exits

If the handler returns an exact boolean true, and the exit is a due to signal, then the signal will be considered handled, and will not trigger a synthetic process.kill(, signal) after firing the onExit handlers.

In this case, it your responsibility as the caller to exit with a signal (for example, by calling process.kill()) if you wish to preserve the same exit status that would otherwise have occurred. If you do not, then the process will likely exit gracefully with status 0 at some point, assuming that no other terminating signal or other exit trigger occurs.

Prior to calling handlers, the onExit machinery is unloaded, so any subsequent exits or signals will not be handled, even if the signal is captured and the exit is thus prevented.

Note that numeric code exits may indicate that the process is already committed to exiting, for example due to a fatal exception or unhandled promise rejection, and so there is no way to prevent it safely.

Browser Fallback

The 'signal-exit/browser' module is the same fallback shim that just doesn't do anything, but presents the same function interface.

Patches welcome to add something that hooks onto window.onbeforeunload or similar, but it might just not be a thing that makes sense there.