Which is Better State Management Libraries in React?
react-redux vs redux-saga vs mobx-react

1 Year
react-reduxredux-sagamobx-reactSimilar Packages:
What's State Management Libraries in React?

State management libraries in React provide tools and patterns for managing application state in a predictable and efficient way. They help in handling complex data flows, asynchronous actions, and state updates across components. Choosing the right library depends on the project requirements, scalability, and developer familiarity.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
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react-redux6,833,64323,242262 days agoMIT License
redux-saga942,62622,5053925 days agoMIT License
mobx-react863,34827,229563 days agoMIT License
Feature Comparison: react-redux vs redux-saga vs mobx-react

State Management

  • mobx-react: Uses MobX, a simple and scalable state management library, to make state management more intuitive and efficient. It enables reactive programming and automatic UI updates based on state changes.
  • react-redux: Built on top of Redux, a predictable state container, to manage the application state in a single store. It follows a unidirectional data flow and provides tools like reducers and actions for updating the state.
  • redux-saga: Integrates with Redux to handle side effects like asynchronous actions, API calls, and complex workflows. It uses generator functions to manage asynchronous operations in a more declarative and testable way.

Asynchronous Actions

  • mobx-react: Supports asynchronous actions through MobX reactions and computed values. It allows for handling side effects in a more straightforward manner.
  • react-redux: Requires middleware like Redux Thunk or Redux Saga to manage asynchronous actions. It provides a structured approach for handling side effects and data fetching.
  • redux-saga: Specializes in managing asynchronous actions by using generator functions to create sagas. It offers a more flexible and composable way to handle complex asynchronous flows.


  • mobx-react: Suitable for smaller to medium-sized applications with simpler state management needs. It offers a more flexible and reactive approach to state updates.
  • react-redux: Ideal for larger applications with complex state management requirements. It provides a centralized store and tools for organizing and updating the state.
  • redux-saga: Designed for scalable applications with intricate data flows and asynchronous operations. It helps in managing complex business logic and side effects efficiently.

Developer Experience

  • mobx-react: Offers a simpler and more intuitive API for managing state, making it easier for developers to understand and work with reactive data.
  • react-redux: Requires understanding concepts like reducers, actions, and middleware, which can have a learning curve. However, it provides a robust structure for state management.
  • redux-saga: Requires familiarity with generator functions and sagas, which may have a steeper learning curve. It offers powerful tools for managing asynchronous actions and side effects.


  • mobx-react: Provides built-in tools for testing MobX reactions and computed values. It allows for easier unit testing of state management logic.
  • react-redux: Offers testing utilities like Redux Mock Store and Redux Saga Test Plan for testing reducers, actions, and sagas. It facilitates testing of complex state management flows.
  • redux-saga: Facilitates testing of sagas using libraries like Redux Saga Test Plan and Redux Saga Test Recorder. It enables comprehensive testing of asynchronous workflows and side effects.
Similar Npm Packages to react-redux

react-redux is the official React bindings for Redux, a popular state management library in the React ecosystem. It provides a way to connect React components to the Redux store and access the state and dispatch actions. React-Redux simplifies the process of integrating Redux with React applications and helps manage application state efficiently.

While React-Redux is widely used for state management in React applications, there are other alternatives available in the ecosystem:

  • mobx-react is a library that integrates MobX, another state management library, with React. MobX provides a different approach to state management compared to Redux, focusing on observables and reactive programming.
  • redux-saga is a middleware library for Redux that enables side effects like asynchronous data fetching and more complex state management logic. Redux-Saga works well with Redux to handle asynchronous actions in a more structured way.

For a comparison of mobx-react, react-redux, and redux-saga, check out this link: Comparing mobx-react vs react-redux vs redux-saga.

README for react-redux

React Redux

Official React bindings for Redux. Performant and flexible.

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Create a React Redux App

The recommended way to start new apps with React and Redux is by using our official Redux+TS template for Vite, or by creating a new Next.js project using Next's with-redux template.

Both of these already have Redux Toolkit and React-Redux configured appropriately for that build tool, and come with a small example app that demonstrates how to use several of Redux Toolkit's features.

# Vite with our Redux+TS template
# (using the `degit` tool to clone and extract the template)
npx degit reduxjs/redux-templates/packages/vite-template-redux my-app

# Next.js using the `with-redux` template
npx create-next-app --example with-redux my-app

An Existing React App

React Redux 8.0 requires React 16.8.3 or later (or React Native 0.59 or later).

To use React Redux with your React app, install it as a dependency:

# If you use npm:
npm install react-redux

# Or if you use Yarn:
yarn add react-redux

You'll also need to install Redux and set up a Redux store in your app.

This assumes that you’re using npm package manager with a module bundler like Webpack or Browserify to consume CommonJS modules.

If you don’t yet use npm or a modern module bundler, and would rather prefer a single-file UMD build that makes ReactRedux available as a global object, you can grab a pre-built version from cdnjs. We don’t recommend this approach for any serious application, as most of the libraries complementary to Redux are only available on npm.


The React Redux docs are published at https://react-redux.js.org .

How Does It Work?

The post The History and Implementation of React-Redux explains what it does, how it works, and how the API and implementation have evolved over time.

There's also a Deep Dive into React-Redux talk that covers some of the same material at a higher level.
