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next6,390,648120,1463,077a day agoMIT License
remix23,78627,2162693 days agoMIT License
Feature Comparison
Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
Next.js provides built-in support for server-side rendering (SSR), making it easy to render pages on the server and send them to the client. This improves SEO and initial load times.
Remix is designed for server rendering and client rendering in a single application, offering powerful SSR capabilities along with client-side interactions.
Static Site Generation (SSG)
Next.js supports static site generation (SSG) out of the box. It pre-renders pages at build time, resulting in fast-loading static assets.
Remix focuses more on SSR and client rendering. While it's possible to achieve SSG in Remix, it's not its primary use case.
Developer Experience
Next.js offers a strong developer experience with features like file-based routing, automatic code splitting, and a rich ecosystem of plugins and tools.
Remix prioritizes developer experience and offers features like automatic code splitting, routing, and data loading for a seamless development process.
Data Fetching
Next.js allows you to fetch data at the component level using methods like getServerSideProps and getStaticProps, making data fetching flexible.
Remix offers a robust data loading system for fetching data on the server and the client, allowing for efficient and flexible data management.
Next.js offers a wide range of plugins and an open ecosystem for extending its functionality to suit your project's needs.
Remix is designed to be extensible, allowing you to customize and extend its features to meet the specific requirements of your application.
Next.js has a minimal core size and offers features like automatic code splitting to optimize bundle size.
Remix aims to generate smaller bundles for improved loading times and performance.
Next.js enforces a set of conventions and best practices for building React applications, leading to a consistent development experience.
Remix offers a consistent structure for handling server rendering and client-side interactions within a single application.
Next.js allows for mutable data on the client-side, but it also supports server-side rendering for immutable server-generated content.
Remix provides both mutable and immutable data handling capabilities, depending on your specific use case and data fetching strategy.
Next.js supports internationalization and localization through various libraries and plugins.
Remix offers options for implementing localization and internationalization in your applications.
Next.js has a strong community and active development, ensuring ongoing maintenance and updates.
Remix is actively maintained by its creators and has a growing community of users and contributors.
Next.js is widely adopted and popular in the React community, making it a well-supported choice.
Remix is gaining popularity as a modern full-stack web framework, and its community is growing.
NPM Package Introudction


Getting Started

Used by some of the world's largest companies, Next.js enables you to create full-stack web applications by extending the latest React features, and integrating powerful Rust-based JavaScript tooling for the fastest builds.


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Contributions to Next.js are welcome and highly appreciated. However, before you jump right into it, we would like you to review our Contribution Guidelines to make sure you have a smooth experience contributing to Next.js.

Good First Issues:

We have a list of good first issues that contain bugs that have a relatively limited scope. This is a great place for newcomers and beginners alike to get started, gain experience, and get familiar with our contribution process.


A list of the original co-authors of Next.js that helped bring this amazing framework to life!


If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in Next.js, we encourage you to responsibly disclose this and NOT open a public issue. We will investigate all legitimate reports. Email to disclose any security vulnerabilities. Alternatively, you can visit this link to know more about Vercel's security and report any security vulnerabilities.