Input Masking
- react-number-format:
supports input masking for numbers, currencies, and percentages, allowing for customizable formatting and masking as the user types. - react-input-mask:
provides robust input masking capabilities, allowing developers to define custom masks for various input types, including phone numbers, dates, and more. - react-text-mask:
allows for the creation of custom input masks, providing flexibility in defining how the input should be formatted as the user types. - react-currency-input-field:
does not provide traditional input masking but formats the input as currency while the user types, ensuring the value is always displayed in a currency format. - react-numeric-input:
does not provide input masking but restricts input to numeric values, making it easy to enter numbers without additional formatting.
Currency Formatting
- react-number-format:
offers comprehensive currency formatting features, including support for multiple currencies, customizable symbols, and the ability to format values as the user types. - react-input-mask:
does not handle currency formatting but can be used in conjunction with other libraries to create masked inputs for currency fields. - react-text-mask:
does not provide currency formatting but can be used to create masked input fields for currency values with the help of additional formatting logic. - react-currency-input-field:
specializes in currency formatting, automatically adding currency symbols, commas, and decimal points based on the specified currency type. - react-numeric-input:
does not provide built-in currency formatting but can be combined with other libraries to format numeric values as currency.
- react-number-format:
offers extensive customization options for formatting numbers, currencies, and percentages, including the ability to set decimal places, thousand separators, and more. - react-input-mask:
is highly customizable, allowing developers to create complex mask patterns and define how the input should behave. - react-text-mask:
allows for customization of the mask patterns and the behavior of the input, making it flexible for various use cases. - react-currency-input-field:
allows for some customization, such as changing the currency symbol and formatting rules, but is primarily focused on currency inputs. - react-numeric-input:
provides limited customization, primarily around the appearance of the numeric input and the range of values allowed.
Ease of Use: Code Examples
- react-number-format:
Formatted number input example with
import React from 'react'; import NumberFormat from 'react-number-format'; const NumberFormatExample = () => { return ( <NumberFormat thousandSeparator decimalScale={2} fixedDecimalScale prefix="$" placeholder="Enter amount" /> ); }; export default NumberFormatExample;
- react-input-mask:
Phone number input example with
import React from 'react'; import InputMask from 'react-input-mask'; const PhoneNumberInput = () => { return ( <InputMask mask="(999) 999-9999" placeholder="(123) 456-7890"> {(inputProps) => <input {...inputProps} />} </InputMask> ); }; export default PhoneNumberInput;
- react-text-mask:
Text input with custom mask using
import React from 'react'; import { MaskedInput } from 'react-text-mask'; const TextMaskExample = () => { return ( <MaskedInput mask={[/[A-Z]/, /[A-Z]/, /[A-Z]/, ' ', /[0-9]/, /[0-9]/, /[0-9]/]} placeholder="ABC 123" /> ); }; export default TextMaskExample;
- react-currency-input-field:
Simple currency input example with
import React from 'react'; import CurrencyInput from 'react-currency-input-field'; const CurrencyInputExample = () => { return ( <CurrencyInput id="currency-input" name="currency" placeholder="Enter amount" defaultValue="" decimalsLimit={2} prefix="$" /> ); }; export default CurrencyInputExample;
- react-numeric-input:
Simple numeric input example with
import React from 'react'; import NumericInput from 'react-numeric-input'; const NumericInputExample = () => { return <NumericInput min={0} max={100} step={1} />; }; export default NumericInputExample;