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@blueprintjs/core192,37720,5566.7 MB74619 days agoApache-2.0
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@blueprintjs/core is a React component library that provides a collection of UI components for building robust and user-friendly web applications. It offers a set of well-designed and customizable components that follow the principles of good UX design. While @blueprintjs/core is a popular choice for building React applications, there are other component libraries available in the React ecosystem. Here are a few alternatives:

  • @material-ui/core is a widely-used React component library that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. It offers a comprehensive set of components with a focus on accessibility and theming.
  • antd is a React UI library that provides a rich set of components for building enterprise-level applications. It offers a wide range of components and utilities to streamline the development process.
  • react-bootstrap is a library that brings Bootstrap components to React applications. It provides a set of reusable components that are easy to integrate with existing React projects.

Check out this comparison: Comparing @blueprintjs/core vs @material-ui/core vs antd vs react-bootstrap.

README for @blueprintjs/core

Blueprint Core Components

Blueprint is a React UI toolkit for the web.

This package contains the core set of UI components as CSS and React code.


npm install --save @blueprintjs/core

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