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antd1,378,28391,28746 MB1,1943 days agoMIT
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antd is a popular React UI library that provides a wide range of components and design elements for building modern web applications. It offers a clean and customizable design system that helps developers create visually appealing interfaces with ease. While antd is a great choice for UI components, there are other libraries in the React ecosystem that offer similar solutions. Here are a few alternatives:

  • bootstrap is a front-end framework that provides a collection of CSS and JavaScript components for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It offers a robust set of styling options and components that can be easily integrated into React applications.
  • material-ui is a popular React component library that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. It offers a wide range of components, themes, and customization options to create visually appealing and consistent UIs.
  • semantic-ui-react is a set of React components that are based on Semantic UI, a popular CSS framework. It provides a variety of components and theming options to build modern and responsive user interfaces.

To see how antd compares with bootstrap, material-ui, and semantic-ui-react, check out this comparison: Comparing antd vs bootstrap vs material-ui vs semantic-ui-react.

README for antd

Ant Design

An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library.

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✨ Features

  • 🌈 Enterprise-class UI designed for web applications.
  • 📦 A set of high-quality React components out of the box.
  • 🛡 Written in TypeScript with predictable static types.
  • ⚙️ Whole package of design resources and development tools.
  • 🌍 Internationalization support for dozens of languages.
  • 🎨 Powerful theme customization based on CSS-in-JS.

🖥 Environment Support

  • Modern browsers
  • Server-side Rendering
  • Electron
Edgelast 2 versionslast 2 versionslast 2 versionslast 2 versions

📦 Install

npm install antd
yarn add antd
pnpm add antd

🔨 Usage

import { Button, DatePicker } from 'antd';

export default () => (
    <Button type="primary">PRESS ME</Button>
    <DatePicker placeholder="select date" />

🔗 Links

⌨️ Development

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Or clone locally:

$ git clone
$ cd ant-design
$ npm install
$ npm start

Open your browser and visit , see more at Development.

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