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ahooks178,13613,708587 kB1812 months agoMIT
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ahooks is a collection of React Hooks for common functionalities and utilities. It provides a set of ready-to-use hooks that can help developers build React applications more efficiently. While ahooks offers a variety of useful hooks, there are other libraries in the React ecosystem that also provide similar hook collections. Here are a few alternatives:

  • react-hooks is a library that offers a collection of custom React Hooks for various functionalities. It provides hooks for common tasks like form handling, animations, and more.
  • react-use is another library that provides a wide range of custom React Hooks for different use cases. It includes hooks for handling state, side effects, and other common tasks in React applications.

Check out this comparison: Comparing ahooks vs react-hooks vs react-use.

README for ahooks

A high-quality & reliable React Hooks library.

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📚 Documentation

✨ Features

  • Easy to learn and use
  • Supports SSR
  • Special treatment for functions, avoid closure problems
  • Contains a large number of advanced Hooks that are refined from business scenarios
  • Contains a comprehensive collection of basic Hooks
  • Written in TypeScript with predictable static types

📦 Install

$ npm install --save ahooks
# or
$ yarn add ahooks
# or
$ pnpm add ahooks
# or
$ bun add ahooks

🔨 Usage

import { useRequest } from 'ahooks';

💻 Online Demo

Edit demo for ahooks

🤝 Contributing

$ git clone
$ cd hooks
$ pnpm run init
$ pnpm start

Open your browser and visit

We welcome all contributions, please read our CONTRIBUTING.MD first, let's build a better hooks library together.

Thanks to all the contributors:


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