Which is Better CSS Frameworks?
tailwindcss vs bootstrap vs foundation-sites vs materialize-css

1 Year
tailwindcssbootstrapfoundation-sitesmaterialize-cssSimilar Packages:
What's CSS Frameworks?

CSS frameworks are libraries that provide pre-designed styles, components, and utilities to help developers quickly create responsive and visually appealing web interfaces. Each framework has its own design principles and features that cater to different project requirements and developer preferences.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
tailwindcss8,515,80180,4525.62 MB47a month agoMIT
bootstrap4,090,966168,0709.67 MB5795 months agoMIT
foundation-sites95,47629,64524.7 MB85a year agoMIT
materialize-css21,21938,876-7966 years agoMIT
Feature Comparison: tailwindcss vs bootstrap vs foundation-sites vs materialize-css

Design Principles

  • tailwindcss: Tailwind CSS promotes utility-first design, enabling developers to quickly style elements using utility classes. It emphasizes simplicity, consistency, and efficiency in design, allowing for rapid prototyping and customization.
  • bootstrap: Bootstrap follows a mobile-first approach and emphasizes consistency, accessibility, and responsiveness in design. It provides a clean and modern aesthetic with a focus on usability and user experience.
  • foundation-sites: Foundation Sites focuses on modularity, flexibility, and customization in design. It allows developers to create unique and visually appealing interfaces by combining and styling modular components.
  • materialize-css: Materialize CSS adheres to Google's Material Design principles, offering a clean and intuitive visual language. It emphasizes depth, motion, and material surfaces to create a cohesive and engaging user experience.


  • tailwindcss: Tailwind CSS enables consistency through its utility-first approach, allowing developers to apply consistent styles using predefined utility classes. It ensures uniformity in design by providing a consistent set of styling options.
  • bootstrap: Bootstrap provides a consistent set of styles, components, and utilities that ensure a cohesive design across different sections of a website. It helps maintain visual consistency and brand identity throughout the project.
  • foundation-sites: Foundation Sites allows for consistent design by providing a modular system of components that can be easily customized and reused. Developers can create a unified look and feel by applying consistent styles across the site.
  • materialize-css: Materialize CSS promotes consistency through its adherence to Google's Material Design guidelines. It offers a standardized set of components and styles that create a cohesive and familiar user experience.


  • tailwindcss: Tailwind CSS is highly extensible with a utility-first approach that allows for easy customization and extension. Developers can create custom utility classes, themes, and configurations to tailor Tailwind CSS to their specific needs.
  • bootstrap: Bootstrap is highly extensible with a wide range of plugins, themes, and customizations available from the community. Developers can extend Bootstrap's functionality by integrating additional components and styles.
  • foundation-sites: Foundation Sites offers extensibility through its modular architecture and customizable components. Developers can extend Foundation Sites by creating their own modules, styles, and plugins.
  • materialize-css: Materialize CSS supports extensibility through its theming capabilities and customization options. Developers can create custom themes, components, and styles to extend the functionality of Materialize CSS.


  • tailwindcss: Tailwind CSS is actively maintained with frequent updates and improvements based on community feedback and industry trends. The Tailwind team ensures compatibility with modern web technologies and provides long-term support for the framework.
  • bootstrap: Bootstrap is well-maintained with regular updates, bug fixes, and improvements provided by the core team and the community. It has a stable release cycle and long-term support for older versions.
  • foundation-sites: Foundation Sites is actively maintained with updates, bug fixes, and new features released periodically. The Foundation team ensures compatibility with the latest web technologies and browsers.
  • materialize-css: Materialize CSS is maintained by a dedicated team that releases updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to improve the framework's performance and usability. It stays up-to-date with the latest design trends and web standards.

Learning Curve

  • tailwindcss: Tailwind CSS has a relatively low learning curve for developers with experience in CSS and utility classes. It offers a straightforward approach to styling elements using predefined classes, making it easy to learn and implement.
  • bootstrap: Bootstrap has a moderate learning curve due to its extensive documentation, tutorials, and community resources. It provides a structured approach to building websites, making it easier for beginners to get started.
  • foundation-sites: Foundation Sites has a moderate learning curve for developers familiar with CSS and front-end development. It offers comprehensive documentation and guides to help users understand the framework's architecture and features.
  • materialize-css: Materialize CSS has a moderate learning curve for developers new to the framework but familiar with front-end development. It provides clear documentation, examples, and support to assist users in learning and using the framework effectively.
How to Choose: tailwindcss vs bootstrap vs foundation-sites vs materialize-css
  • tailwindcss: Choose Tailwind CSS if you prefer a utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid prototyping and customization. Tailwind CSS provides a set of utility classes for styling elements, enabling developers to quickly build unique designs without writing custom CSS.
  • bootstrap: Choose Bootstrap if you need a comprehensive CSS framework with a large community, extensive documentation, and ready-to-use components for building responsive websites quickly. Bootstrap follows a mobile-first approach and offers a grid system, responsive utilities, and customizable themes.
  • foundation-sites: Choose Foundation Sites if you prefer a modular CSS framework that focuses on flexibility and customization. Foundation Sites provides a responsive grid, UI components, and a Sass-based architecture for easy styling and theming.
  • materialize-css: Choose Materialize CSS if you want a CSS framework that follows Google's Material Design principles, offering a modern and clean visual language. Materialize CSS includes components like cards, buttons, and modals, along with animations and responsive design.
Similar Npm Packages to tailwindcss

tailwindcss is a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of pre-built classes to help you quickly build modern and responsive web designs. It focuses on simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to easily customize and extend the styles to fit their specific needs. While tailwindcss offers a unique approach to styling web applications, there are other CSS frameworks in the market that provide similar solutions. Here are a few alternatives:

  • bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that offers a comprehensive set of components and utilities for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It provides a more opinionated approach compared to tailwindcss.
  • bulma is a modern CSS framework that emphasizes simplicity and flexibility. It provides a clean and modular structure for building web interfaces without the need for JavaScript.
  • materialize-css is a CSS framework based on Google's Material Design guidelines. It offers a set of components and styles that follow the Material Design principles for creating visually appealing web applications.

Check out this comparison: Comparing bootstrap vs bulma vs materialize-css vs tailwindcss.

README for tailwindcss

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.

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For full documentation, visit tailwindcss.com.


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