esbuild vs rollup vs webpack vs browserify vs pkg
JavaScript Bundling and Packaging Tools Comparison
1 Year
esbuildrollupwebpackbrowserifypkgSimilar Packages:
What's JavaScript Bundling and Packaging Tools?

JavaScript bundling and packaging tools are essential in modern web development. They take multiple JavaScript files, along with other assets like CSS and images, and bundle them into a smaller number of files (often just one or a few). This process reduces the number of HTTP requests a browser has to make, which can significantly improve load times. These tools also optimize the code by minifying it, removing unused code (tree shaking), and transforming modern JavaScript (ES6+) into a format compatible with older browsers (transpiling). Each tool has its own strengths and use cases, making them suitable for different types of projects. For example, webpack is highly configurable and supports a wide range of plugins, making it ideal for large applications. In contrast, esbuild is known for its speed and efficiency, making it a great choice for projects where build time is critical.

Package Weekly Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
esbuild49,566,45138,565134 kB52110 days agoMIT
rollup30,690,41825,5912.69 MB585a day agoMIT
webpack28,816,13965,0345.21 MB2405 days agoMIT
browserify1,547,27314,648363 kB3954 months agoMIT
pkg205,58024,362227 kB02 years agoMIT
Feature Comparison: esbuild vs rollup vs webpack vs browserify vs pkg

Bundling Approach

  • esbuild:

    esbuild uses a fast, modern approach to bundling that leverages parallel processing and efficient algorithms. It supports both ES modules and CommonJS, allowing for flexible module handling and tree shaking to eliminate unused code.

  • rollup:

    rollup focuses on bundling ES modules and is known for its tree shaking capabilities, which means it can eliminate dead code and produce smaller bundles. It generates a single output file (or multiple files) with a clean module structure.

  • webpack:

    webpack is a versatile bundler that can handle various types of assets, including JavaScript, CSS, images, and more. It supports code splitting, allowing you to break your bundle into smaller chunks for better performance.

  • browserify:

    browserify bundles JavaScript files by emulating Node.js module resolution in the browser. It takes multiple files and combines them into a single file, allowing you to use require() statements as you would in Node.js.

  • pkg:

    pkg does not bundle JavaScript files in the traditional sense. Instead, it packages your entire Node.js application, including all dependencies, into a single executable file that can run on systems without Node.js installed.

Tree Shaking

  • esbuild:

    esbuild has excellent tree shaking capabilities, which means it can analyze your code and eliminate unused exports, resulting in smaller bundle sizes without any additional configuration.

  • rollup:

    rollup is known for its advanced tree shaking capabilities, which are especially effective when working with ES modules. It can significantly reduce bundle size by eliminating dead code during the bundling process.

  • webpack:

    webpack supports tree shaking, but it requires proper configuration and the use of ES modules (import/export) for it to work effectively. When configured correctly, webpack can eliminate unused code from the final bundle.

  • browserify:

    browserify does not have built-in tree shaking capabilities. It bundles all the code from the modules you require, which can lead to larger bundle sizes if not managed carefully.

  • pkg:

    pkg does not perform tree shaking, as it packages the entire application along with all its dependencies into a single executable. This means that all code, including unused parts, is included in the final package.

Code Splitting

  • esbuild:

    esbuild supports code splitting by default, allowing you to create multiple output files for different parts of your application. This feature helps improve load times by only loading the code that is needed at a given time.

  • rollup:

    rollup supports code splitting, allowing you to break your bundle into smaller chunks based on how the code is used. This feature is particularly useful for optimizing load times in large applications.

  • webpack:

    webpack is well-known for its support of code splitting, which allows you to split your bundle into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand. This feature helps improve the performance of large applications by reducing the initial load time.

  • browserify:

    browserify does not support code splitting out of the box. It bundles all the required modules into a single file, which can lead to longer load times for large applications.

  • pkg:

    pkg does not support code splitting, as it packages the entire application into a single executable file. This means that all code is bundled together, regardless of whether it is used or not.

Configuration Complexity

  • esbuild:

    esbuild is designed to be simple and fast, with minimal configuration required. Its straightforward API and command-line interface make it easy to integrate into projects without a steep learning curve.

  • rollup:

    rollup requires more configuration compared to simpler bundlers, especially if you want to take full advantage of its features like tree shaking and code splitting. However, its configuration is generally considered more intuitive than webpack’s.

  • webpack:

    webpack is highly configurable but can be complex to set up, especially for beginners. Its flexibility allows for detailed customization, but this can lead to a steep learning curve and more time spent on configuration.

  • browserify:

    browserify has a relatively simple configuration process, especially for projects that use CommonJS modules. Most of the configuration can be done through command-line options, making it easy to set up and use.

  • pkg:

    pkg requires minimal configuration to package a Node.js application. You simply need to specify the entry point and any additional files or assets to include in the package.

Ease of Use: Code Examples

  • esbuild:

    esbuild Example

    # Install esbuild
    npm install esbuild --save-dev
    # Bundle your files with esbuild
    npx esbuild main.js --bundle --outfile=bundle.js
  • rollup:

    rollup Example

    # Install rollup
    npm install --save-dev rollup
    # Bundle your files with rollup
    rollup main.js --file bundle.js --format iife
  • webpack:

    webpack Example

    # Install webpack
    npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli
    # Bundle your files with webpack
    npx webpack --config webpack.config.js
  • browserify:

    browserify Example

    # Install browserify
    npm install -g browserify
    # Bundle your files
    browserify main.js -o bundle.js
  • pkg:

    pkg Example

    # Install pkg
    npm install -g pkg
    # Package your application
    pkg your-app.js --output your-app
How to Choose: esbuild vs rollup vs webpack vs browserify vs pkg
  • esbuild:

    Choose esbuild if you prioritize speed and efficiency in your build process. It’s an excellent choice for modern projects that require fast bundling and tree shaking, with support for ES modules and a simple configuration.

  • rollup:

    Choose rollup if you are building libraries or applications that benefit from tree shaking and producing smaller, more efficient bundles. It’s ideal for projects that use ES modules and need a clean output.

  • webpack:

    Choose webpack if you need a highly configurable bundler that supports a wide range of features, including code splitting, lazy loading, and a vast ecosystem of plugins and loaders. It’s suitable for large-scale applications with complex requirements.

  • browserify:

    Choose browserify if you need to bundle Node.js-style modules for the browser. It’s particularly useful for projects that rely on CommonJS modules and need a simple, straightforward bundling solution.

  • pkg:

    Choose pkg if you want to package your Node.js application into a single executable file. This is useful for distributing applications without requiring users to install Node.js or any dependencies.

README for esbuild


This is a JavaScript bundler and minifier. See and the JavaScript API documentation for details.