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copy-dir90,010---5 years agoMIT
README for copy-dir


Easy used 'copy-dir' lib, even use a filter, copy a file or directory to another path, when target path or parent target path not exists, it will create the directory automatically.


npm install copy-dir


Sync Mode:

copydir.sync(from, to[, options]);

Async Mode:

copydir(from, to, [options, ]callback);


  utimes: false,  // Boolean | Object, keep addTime or modifyTime if true
  mode: false,    // Boolean | Number, keep file mode if true
  cover: true,    // Boolean, cover if file exists
  filter: true,   // Boolean | Function, file filter

filter is a function that you want to filter the path, then return true or false.

It can use three arguments named state, filepath, filename

  • state: String, 'file' / 'directory' / 'symbolicLink', marked as the file or path type
  • filepath: String, the file path
  • filename: String, the file name


Sync Mode:

var copydir = require('copy-dir');

copydir.sync('/my/from/path', '/my/target/path', {
  utimes: true,  // keep add time and modify time
  mode: true,    // keep file mode
  cover: true    // cover file when exists, default is true

Async Mode:

var copydir = require('copy-dir');

copydir('/my/from/path', '/my/target/path', {
  utimes: true,  // keep add time and modify time
  mode: true,    // keep file mode
  cover: true    // cover file when exists, default is true
}, function(err){
  if(err) throw err;

add a filter

When you want to copy a directory, but some file or sub directory is not you want, you can do like this:

Sync Mode:

var path = require('path');
var copydir = require('copy-dir');

copydir.sync('/my/from/path', '/my/target/path', {
  filter: function(stat, filepath, filename){
    // do not want copy .html files
    if(stat === 'file' && path.extname(filepath) === '.html') {
      return false;
    // do not want copy .svn directories
    if (stat === 'directory' && filename === '.svn') {
      return false;
    // do not want copy symbolicLink directories
    if (stat === 'symbolicLink') {
      return false;
    return true;  // remind to return a true value when file check passed.

Async Mode:

var path = require('path');
var copydir = require('copy-dir');

copydir('/a/b/c', '/a/b/e', {
  filter: function(stat, filepath, filename) {
    return true;
}, function(err) {

Update Logs


Bug fix: filter function arguments incorrect, delete the third argument: dirname


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask through New Issue.


copy-dir is available under the terms of the MIT License.