localforage vs idb-keyval vs dexie
IndexedDB Wrapper Libraries Comparison
1 Year
localforageidb-keyvaldexieSimilar Packages:
What's IndexedDB Wrapper Libraries?

IndexedDB is a low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data, including files/blobs. However, working directly with IndexedDB can be complex and cumbersome. Wrapper libraries like Dexie, idb-keyval, and localForage simplify this process by providing a more user-friendly interface for database operations, allowing developers to perform CRUD operations more easily and efficiently. These libraries abstract away the complexities of the IndexedDB API, enabling developers to focus on building their applications without getting bogged down by the intricacies of the underlying storage mechanism.

Package Weekly Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
localforage4,569,38225,184-2473 years agoApache-2.0
idb-keyval1,322,0082,85253.8 kB232 years agoApache-2.0
dexie520,40812,5212.99 MB577a month agoApache-2.0
Feature Comparison: localforage vs idb-keyval vs dexie

API Complexity

  • localforage:

    localForage offers a simple API similar to localStorage, but with the added benefit of asynchronous operations and support for multiple storage backends. It aims to provide a seamless experience for developers familiar with localStorage while leveraging the power of IndexedDB.

  • idb-keyval:

    idb-keyval provides a very simple API focused on key-value pairs, making it easy to use for basic storage needs. It is designed for developers who want to quickly store and retrieve data without dealing with the complexities of IndexedDB's full capabilities.

  • dexie:

    Dexie offers a rich API that allows for complex queries, indexing, and transactions. It abstracts the complexities of IndexedDB while providing advanced features like promise-based operations and a fluent interface, making it suitable for applications with intricate data requirements.

Data Structure Support

  • localforage:

    localForage can handle various data types and structures, but it primarily focuses on key-value storage. It is versatile enough for many use cases but does not provide the same level of relational support as Dexie.

  • idb-keyval:

    idb-keyval is limited to simple key-value pairs, making it less suitable for complex data structures. It is best for straightforward use cases where data can be easily represented as key-value pairs without the need for relationships.

  • dexie:

    Dexie supports complex data structures, including relationships between objects, allowing for more sophisticated data modeling. It enables developers to create indexed queries and perform joins, making it suitable for applications with relational data needs.


  • localforage:

    localForage provides good performance for most use cases, especially with its asynchronous API. It automatically selects the best storage option available, ensuring optimal performance across different browsers.

  • idb-keyval:

    idb-keyval is lightweight and performs well for simple key-value operations. However, its performance may not match that of Dexie when handling larger datasets or more complex queries due to its simplicity.

  • dexie:

    Dexie is optimized for performance with features like bulk operations and efficient querying. It is designed to handle large datasets and complex queries without significant performance degradation, making it ideal for data-intensive applications.

Browser Compatibility

  • localforage:

    localForage excels in browser compatibility, as it automatically falls back to localStorage if IndexedDB is not available. This makes it a reliable choice for applications that need to support a diverse range of browsers.

  • idb-keyval:

    idb-keyval is designed for modern browsers and may not work in older environments. It is best suited for applications targeting current web standards and technologies.

  • dexie:

    Dexie is well-supported across modern browsers and provides polyfills for older browsers, ensuring compatibility. It is a robust choice for applications that need to support a wide range of environments.

Learning Curve

  • localforage:

    localForage is also easy to learn, especially for developers familiar with localStorage. Its straightforward API allows for quick integration into projects, making it accessible for developers of all skill levels.

  • idb-keyval:

    idb-keyval is very easy to learn and use, making it ideal for beginners or for projects that require quick implementation without a steep learning curve. Its simplicity allows for rapid development.

  • dexie:

    Dexie has a moderate learning curve due to its rich feature set and advanced querying capabilities. Developers may need to invest time in understanding its API and how to leverage its full potential for complex data operations.

How to Choose: localforage vs idb-keyval vs dexie
  • localforage:

    Choose localForage if you want a library that provides a unified API for multiple storage backends (IndexedDB, WebSQL, and localStorage). It is useful for applications that require a fallback mechanism for different browsers and environments, ensuring better compatibility and performance.

  • idb-keyval:

    Choose idb-keyval for simple key-value storage needs. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it suitable for small projects or when you need a straightforward solution for storing simple data without the overhead of a more complex library.

  • dexie:

    Choose Dexie if you need a powerful and feature-rich library that supports advanced querying capabilities, transactions, and data relationships. It is ideal for applications requiring complex data structures and operations, as it provides a fluent API and extensive documentation.

README for localforage


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localForage is a fast and simple storage library for JavaScript. localForage improves the offline experience of your web app by using asynchronous storage (IndexedDB or WebSQL) with a simple, localStorage-like API.

localForage uses localStorage in browsers with no IndexedDB or WebSQL support. See the wiki for detailed compatibility info.

To use localForage, just drop a single JavaScript file into your page:

<script src="localforage/dist/localforage.js"></script>
<script>localforage.getItem('something', myCallback);</script>

Try the live example.

Download the latest localForage from GitHub, or install with npm:

npm install localforage


Lost? Need help? Try the localForage API documentation. localForage API文档也有中文版。

If you're having trouble using the library, running the tests, or want to contribute to localForage, please look through the existing issues for your problem first before creating a new one. If you still need help, feel free to file an issue.

How to use localForage

Callbacks vs Promises

Because localForage uses async storage, it has an async API. It's otherwise exactly the same as the localStorage API.

localForage has a dual API that allows you to either use Node-style callbacks or Promises. If you are unsure which one is right for you, it's recommended to use Promises.

Here's an example of the Node-style callback form:

localforage.setItem('key', 'value', function (err) {
  // if err is non-null, we got an error
  localforage.getItem('key', function (err, value) {
    // if err is non-null, we got an error. otherwise, value is the value

And the Promise form:

localforage.setItem('key', 'value').then(function () {
  return localforage.getItem('key');
}).then(function (value) {
  // we got our value
}).catch(function (err) {
  // we got an error

Or, use async/await:

try {
    const value = await localforage.getItem('somekey');
    // This code runs once the value has been loaded
    // from the offline store.
} catch (err) {
    // This code runs if there were any errors.

For more examples, please visit the API docs.

Storing Blobs, TypedArrays, and other JS objects

You can store any type in localForage; you aren't limited to strings like in localStorage. Even if localStorage is your storage backend, localForage automatically does JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() when getting/setting values.

localForage supports storing all native JS objects that can be serialized to JSON, as well as ArrayBuffers, Blobs, and TypedArrays. Check the API docs for a full list of types supported by localForage.

All types are supported in every storage backend, though storage limits in localStorage make storing many large Blobs impossible.


You can set database information with the config() method. Available options are driver, name, storeName, version, size, and description.


    driver      : localforage.WEBSQL, // Force WebSQL; same as using setDriver()
    name        : 'myApp',
    version     : 1.0,
    size        : 4980736, // Size of database, in bytes. WebSQL-only for now.
    storeName   : 'keyvaluepairs', // Should be alphanumeric, with underscores.
    description : 'some description'

Note: you must call config() before you interact with your data. This means calling config() before using getItem(), setItem(), removeItem(), clear(), key(), keys() or length().

Multiple instances

You can create multiple instances of localForage that point to different stores using createInstance. All the configuration options used by config are supported.

var store = localforage.createInstance({
  name: "nameHere"

var otherStore = localforage.createInstance({
  name: "otherName"

// Setting the key on one of these doesn't affect the other.
store.setItem("key", "value");
otherStore.setItem("key", "value2");


You can use localForage with RequireJS:

define(['localforage'], function(localforage) {
    // As a callback:
    localforage.setItem('mykey', 'myvalue', console.log);

    // With a Promise:
    localforage.setItem('mykey', 'myvalue').then(console.log);


If you have the allowSyntheticDefaultImports compiler option set to true in your tsconfig.json (supported in TypeScript v1.8+), you should use:

import localForage from "localforage";

Otherwise you should use one of the following:

import * as localForage from "localforage";
// or, in case that the typescript version that you are using
// doesn't support ES6 style imports for UMD modules like localForage
import localForage = require("localforage");

Framework Support

If you use a framework listed, there's a localForage storage driver for the models in your framework so you can store data offline with localForage. We have drivers for the following frameworks:

If you have a driver you'd like listed, please open an issue to have it added to this list.

Custom Drivers

You can create your own driver if you want; see the defineDriver API docs.

There is a list of custom drivers on the wiki.

Working on localForage

You'll need node/npm and bower.

To work on localForage, you should start by forking it and installing its dependencies. Replace USERNAME with your GitHub username and run the following:

# Install bower globally if you don't have it:
npm install -g bower

# Replace USERNAME with your GitHub username:
git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/localForage.git
cd localForage
npm install
bower install

Omitting the bower dependencies will cause the tests to fail!

Running Tests

You need PhantomJS installed to run local tests. Run npm test (or, directly: grunt test). Your code must also pass the linter.

localForage is designed to run in the browser, so the tests explicitly require a browser environment. Local tests are run on a headless WebKit (using PhantomJS).

When you submit a pull request, tests will be run against all browsers that localForage supports on Travis CI using Sauce Labs.

Library Size

As of version 1.7.3 the payload added to your app is rather small. Served using gzip compression, localForage will add less than 10k to your total bundle size:



This program is free software; it is distributed under an Apache License.

Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Mozilla (Contributors).