Which is Better React Form Management Libraries?
react-hook-form vs formik vs react-final-form vs react-use-form-state
1 Year
react-hook-formformikreact-final-formreact-use-form-stateSimilar Packages:
What's React Form Management Libraries?

React form management libraries provide developers with tools to handle form state, validation, and submission in React applications. They simplify the process of managing form inputs, ensuring that data is collected and validated efficiently. Each library offers unique features and design philosophies that cater to different use cases, from simple forms to complex multi-step workflows. By leveraging these libraries, developers can enhance user experience and maintain cleaner code, reducing the boilerplate typically associated with form handling in React.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
react-hook-form5,851,93941,253912 kB552 months agoMIT
formik2,497,14533,905583 kB8185 months agoApache-2.0
react-final-form335,1717,382201 kB387-MIT
react-use-form-state4,03093692 kB31-MIT
Feature Comparison: react-hook-form vs formik vs react-final-form vs react-use-form-state


  • react-hook-form: React Hook Form is optimized for performance, as it minimizes re-renders and leverages uncontrolled components by default. This results in faster form handling and better performance, especially in larger applications.
  • formik: Formik provides a good balance between performance and ease of use. It minimizes re-renders by using controlled components, but can become less performant with deeply nested forms due to its reliance on React's state updates.
  • react-final-form: React Final Form is designed for performance, utilizing a subscription-based model that allows components to only re-render when the specific part of the form state they depend on changes, making it highly efficient for larger forms.
  • react-use-form-state: React Use Form State is lightweight and offers good performance for simple forms. However, it may not be as efficient for complex forms with many inputs due to its simpler state management approach.


  • react-hook-form: React Hook Form provides a simple way to integrate validation using its built-in validation methods or external libraries like Yup. It allows for easy schema-based validation and is very efficient in handling errors.
  • formik: Formik offers built-in validation support and integrates well with popular validation libraries like Yup. This makes it easy to define complex validation rules and handle form errors effectively.
  • react-final-form: React Final Form supports validation through its API, allowing you to define synchronous and asynchronous validation functions. It provides flexibility in how validation is implemented, but requires more manual setup compared to Formik.
  • react-use-form-state: React Use Form State does not have built-in validation support, so you would need to implement validation manually or integrate it with other libraries, which may require additional effort.

Learning Curve

  • react-hook-form: React Hook Form is easy to learn, especially for developers familiar with React hooks. Its simple API and focus on functional components make it accessible for beginners.
  • formik: Formik has a moderate learning curve due to its comprehensive API and concepts like controlled components and validation schemas. However, its extensive documentation and community support make it easier to learn.
  • react-final-form: React Final Form has a relatively low learning curve, especially for those familiar with React. Its API is straightforward, but understanding its subscription model may take some time for new users.
  • react-use-form-state: React Use Form State has a very low learning curve, making it ideal for quick implementations. Its simplicity allows developers to get started with form management without much overhead.


  • react-hook-form: React Hook Form is designed with extensibility in mind, allowing easy integration with third-party libraries for validation and UI components. Its hook-based architecture promotes reusability and modularity.
  • formik: Formik is highly extensible, allowing developers to create custom components and integrate with various libraries for validation, UI, and state management. This flexibility makes it suitable for complex applications.
  • react-final-form: React Final Form is also extensible, providing hooks and APIs that allow developers to customize form behavior and integrate with other libraries as needed, though it may require more boilerplate for complex scenarios.
  • react-use-form-state: React Use Form State is less extensible compared to the others, as it is focused on simplicity. While it can be integrated with other libraries, it may not support complex use cases as effectively.

Community and Support

  • react-hook-form: React Hook Form has rapidly gained popularity and has a growing community. Its documentation is thorough, and many resources are available, making it easy for developers to find help and examples.
  • formik: Formik has a large and active community, with extensive documentation, examples, and resources available. This support makes it easier for developers to find solutions and best practices.
  • react-final-form: React Final Form has a smaller community compared to Formik, but it is well-documented and has a dedicated user base. Resources may be less abundant, but the library is still actively maintained.
  • react-use-form-state: React Use Form State has a smaller community and fewer resources available. While it is simple to use, developers may find it challenging to get support for more complex implementations.
How to Choose: react-hook-form vs formik vs react-final-form vs react-use-form-state
  • react-hook-form: Opt for React Hook Form if you want a library that emphasizes performance and minimal re-renders. It utilizes React hooks for form management, making it a great choice for functional components and applications that prioritize speed and efficiency.
  • formik: Choose Formik if you need a comprehensive solution that includes built-in validation support and a robust API for managing complex forms. It is particularly beneficial for applications that require extensive form handling and validation logic.
  • react-final-form: Select React Final Form if you prefer a lightweight library that provides a simple API and is focused on performance. It is ideal for forms that require minimal overhead and can benefit from its subscription-based model for form state updates.
  • react-use-form-state: Consider React Use Form State for simple forms where you want to manage form state with minimal setup. It is lightweight and provides a straightforward API, making it suitable for quick implementations.
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import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';

function App() {
  const {
    formState: { errors },
  } = useForm();

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit((data) => console.log(data))}>
      <input {...register('firstName')} />
      <input {...register('lastName', { required: true })} />
      {errors.lastName && <p>Last name is required.</p>}
      <input {...register('age', { pattern: /\d+/ })} />
      {errors.age && <p>Please enter number for age.</p>}
      <input type="submit" />


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