Which is Better State Management Libraries?
immer vs immutability-helper vs seamless-immutable
1 Year
immerimmutability-helperseamless-immutableSimilar Packages:
What's State Management Libraries?

State management libraries are essential tools in web development, particularly in applications that require a predictable and efficient way to manage the state of data. These libraries help developers maintain immutability, ensuring that state changes are handled in a controlled manner. This is crucial for performance optimization and debugging, as it allows for easier tracking of state changes and their effects on the UI. Each of these libraries offers unique approaches to immutability and state management, catering to different use cases and developer preferences.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
immer11,659,04627,630627 kB496 months agoMIT
immutability-helper591,4255,175-64 years agoMIT
seamless-immutable363,2135,368-536 years agoBSD-3-Clause
Feature Comparison: immer vs immutability-helper vs seamless-immutable

Mutability Handling

  • immer: Immer allows developers to work with mutable state directly in a way that feels natural, while it automatically tracks changes and produces a new immutable state. This makes it easier to write and understand state updates, as you can use standard JavaScript operations without worrying about immutability.
  • immutability-helper: Immutability Helper provides a functional approach to state updates, where you define changes in a concise manner using a set of commands. This approach emphasizes immutability by requiring explicit definitions of how the state should change, which can lead to clearer and more predictable updates.
  • seamless-immutable: Seamless Immutable provides a simple API for creating immutable objects and arrays. It ensures that any modifications to the state produce new instances, preventing accidental mutations. This library is designed to be easy to use, allowing developers to create deeply nested immutable structures without complex syntax.

Learning Curve

  • immer: Immer has a gentle learning curve, especially for developers familiar with mutable state management. Its API is intuitive, allowing developers to write code that resembles traditional mutable updates, making it accessible for those transitioning from mutable state management.
  • immutability-helper: Immutability Helper may require a bit more time to learn due to its functional style and the need to understand the command-based approach for state updates. However, once mastered, it provides a clear and powerful way to manage state immutably.
  • seamless-immutable: Seamless Immutable is straightforward and easy to learn, making it an excellent choice for developers new to immutability concepts. Its simple API allows for quick adoption without a steep learning curve.


  • immer: Immer optimizes performance by using a concept called 'drafts' which allows you to make changes to a temporary state that is then used to produce a new immutable state. This approach minimizes the overhead associated with creating new objects and can lead to better performance in applications with frequent state updates.
  • immutability-helper: Immutability Helper is lightweight and efficient, focusing on providing a minimalistic API for state updates. It avoids unnecessary overhead, making it suitable for applications that require quick and efficient state management without the complexity of larger libraries.
  • seamless-immutable: Seamless Immutable is designed for performance, ensuring that any changes to state are efficient and do not lead to excessive memory usage. It provides methods for deep cloning and manipulation of immutable structures, allowing for optimized performance in applications.


  • immer: Immer is highly extensible, allowing developers to integrate it seamlessly with other libraries and frameworks. Its design encourages the use of middleware and custom plugins, making it adaptable to various application architectures.
  • immutability-helper: Immutability Helper is also extensible, as it can be combined with other functional programming libraries to enhance its capabilities. Its command-based approach allows for the creation of custom update functions, providing flexibility in how state changes are managed.
  • seamless-immutable: Seamless Immutable is designed to be simple and effective, but it may not offer as much extensibility as Immer or Immutability Helper. However, it can still be integrated with other libraries and frameworks to create a cohesive state management solution.

Community and Support

  • immer: Immer has a strong community and is widely adopted in the React ecosystem, which means there are plenty of resources, tutorials, and support available for developers. Its popularity ensures that it is regularly maintained and updated with new features.
  • immutability-helper: Immutability Helper has a smaller community compared to Immer, but it is still well-documented and supported. Developers can find resources and examples, although the volume may not be as extensive as those for Immer.
  • seamless-immutable: Seamless Immutable has a niche user base, which may result in fewer community resources. However, it is still actively maintained, and developers can find documentation and examples to assist with its implementation.
How to Choose: immer vs immutability-helper vs seamless-immutable
  • immer: Choose Immer if you need a simple and intuitive way to manage state changes in a mutable-like fashion while still maintaining immutability. It is particularly useful for complex state updates where you want to write less boilerplate code and focus on the logic of your application.
  • immutability-helper: Select Immutability Helper if you prefer a more functional approach to state updates and need a lightweight solution that allows for concise and readable updates. It is ideal for applications where you want to manage state changes using a more explicit and structured method without introducing too much complexity.
  • seamless-immutable: Opt for Seamless Immutable if you want a straightforward way to create immutable data structures without the need for extensive boilerplate. It is suitable for applications that require deep immutability and want to ensure that state objects remain unchanged throughout the lifecycle of the application.
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Create the next immutable state tree by simply modifying the current tree

Winner of the "Breakthrough of the year" React open source award and "Most impactful contribution" JavaScript open source award in 2019

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  • clone the immer repo.
  • install the dependencies.
  • run yarn run start.

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The documentation of this package is hosted at https://immerjs.github.io/immer/


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