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primevue is a Vue UI component library that provides a rich set of customizable and responsive UI components for building modern web applications with Vue.js. It offers a wide range of components such as buttons, forms, tables, and more, all designed with a clean and professional look. While primevue is a popular choice for Vue developers, there are other UI component libraries available in the Vue ecosystem. Here are a few alternatives:

  • element-ui is a feature-rich UI component library for Vue.js that offers a wide variety of components and features for building elegant and interactive user interfaces.
  • quasar is a Vue.js framework that provides a set of high-quality UI components, directives, and plugins for building responsive and performant web applications.
  • vuetify is a popular Vue UI framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. It offers a wide range of components and utilities to help developers create visually appealing and functional applications.

For a detailed comparison of element-ui, primevue, quasar, and vuetify, check out: Comparing element-ui vs primevue vs quasar vs vuetify.

README for primevue

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PrimeVue Hero


PrimeVue is a rich set of open source UI Components for Vue. See PrimeVue homepage for live showcase and documentation.


PrimeVue is available at npm.

# Using npm
npm install primevue

# Using yarn
yarn add primevue

# Using pnpm
pnpm add primevue


PrimeVue plugin is required to be installed as an application plugin to set up the default configuration. The plugin is lightweight, only sets up the configuration object without affecting your application. PrimeVue has two styling modes; Styled and Unstyled. If you are just getting started, we suggest to using the styled mode.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);



PrimeVue has two theming has modes; styled or unstyled.

Styled Mode

Styled mode provides pre-skinned components, default theme is Aura with emerald as the primary color.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import PrimeVueStyled from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);


Unstyled Mode

In unstyled mode, the components do not include any CSS so you'd need to style the components on your end. If you are using Tailwind CSS, visit the Tailwind Presets project to get you started with styling the components with Tailwind utility classes.

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import PrimeVueUnstyled from 'primevue/config';
const app = createApp(App);



Each component can be imported individually so that you only bundle what you use. Import path is available in the documentation of the corresponding component.

import Button from 'primevue/button';

const app = createApp(App);
app.component('Button', Button);

Prop Cases

Component prop names are described as camel case throughout the documentation however kebab-case is also fully supported. Events on the other hand should always be kebab-case.

<Dialog :showHeader="false"></Dialog>

<!-- can be written as -->

<Dialog :show-header="false"></Dialog>

Nuxt Integration

The nuxt-primevue package is the official module by PrimeTek. See the nuxt documentation for details. information


We've created various samples for the popular options in the Vue ecosystem. Visit the primevue-examples repository for the samples.
