styled-components vs react-bootstrap vs react-grid-layout vs rebass vs react-grid-system vs react-flexbox-grid
React UI Component Libraries Comparison
1 Year
styled-componentsreact-bootstrapreact-grid-layoutrebassreact-grid-systemreact-flexbox-gridSimilar Packages:
What's React UI Component Libraries?

These libraries provide various tools and components to build responsive and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces in React applications. They help streamline the development process by offering pre-built components, layout systems, and styling solutions, allowing developers to focus on functionality rather than design from scratch. Each library has its unique approach to styling, layout management, and component design, catering to different project requirements and developer preferences.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
styled-components4,752,03640,6121.66 MB308a month agoMIT
react-bootstrap931,08922,4611.48 MB206a day agoMIT
react-grid-layout582,01620,804526 kB2284 months agoMIT
rebass33,1907,942-975 years agoMIT
react-grid-system31,44782088.9 kB385 months agoMIT
react-flexbox-grid19,7732,935-617 years agoMIT
Feature Comparison: styled-components vs react-bootstrap vs react-grid-layout vs rebass vs react-grid-system vs react-flexbox-grid

Styling Approach

  • styled-components:

    Styled-Components allows developers to write CSS directly in their JavaScript files, enabling scoped styles and dynamic styling based on props. This approach enhances maintainability and readability of styles.

  • react-bootstrap:

    React-Bootstrap uses Bootstrap's predefined CSS styles and components, allowing for rapid development with a familiar design language. It provides a consistent look and feel aligned with Bootstrap's guidelines.

  • react-grid-layout:

    React-Grid-Layout provides a grid layout system that supports drag-and-drop functionality. It allows for dynamic resizing and repositioning of components, making it ideal for interactive dashboards.

  • rebass:

    Rebass emphasizes a minimalist design approach, providing a set of styled components that are highly customizable. It uses a system of props for styling, making it easy to create responsive and consistent designs.

  • react-grid-system:

    React-Grid-System offers a flexible grid system based on CSS Grid and Flexbox, allowing for responsive design. It provides a simple API for defining grid layouts without enforcing specific styles, giving developers freedom in design.

  • react-flexbox-grid:

    React-Flexbox-Grid focuses on Flexbox for layout management, providing a simple API to create responsive layouts without additional styling overhead. It does not impose any specific styling, allowing developers to define their own styles.

Component Library

  • styled-components:

    Styled-Components does not provide a component library but allows developers to create styled components using CSS-in-JS. It promotes component-based styling, making it easy to manage styles alongside component logic.

  • react-bootstrap:

    React-Bootstrap offers a comprehensive library of pre-built components such as buttons, modals, and forms, all styled according to Bootstrap's design principles, making it easy to create a cohesive UI.

  • react-grid-layout:

    React-Grid-Layout provides a set of components specifically designed for creating grid layouts with draggable and resizable features, making it suitable for applications that require user-customizable interfaces.

  • rebass:

    Rebass includes a collection of styled components that are designed for rapid development and customization. It emphasizes design consistency and allows for easy theming.

  • react-grid-system:

    React-Grid-System focuses on providing a flexible grid layout system without a predefined set of components. Developers can create their own components and use the grid system for layout management.

  • react-flexbox-grid:

    React-Flexbox-Grid is not a component library but rather a layout utility that provides a grid system. It does not include UI components, so developers must create their own components or use other libraries alongside it.


  • styled-components:

    Styled-Components excels in customization, allowing developers to create dynamic styles based on props and themes, making it easy to adapt styles to different contexts.

  • react-bootstrap:

    React-Bootstrap allows for customization through Bootstrap's theming capabilities, enabling developers to override default styles using custom CSS or Bootstrap's variables.

  • react-grid-layout:

    React-Grid-Layout provides options for customization in terms of grid layout configurations, allowing developers to define breakpoints, layouts, and styles for draggable items.

  • rebass:

    Rebass is designed for customization, allowing developers to easily override styles and create themes using a simple props-based system, promoting a consistent design language.

  • react-grid-system:

    React-Grid-System allows for extensive customization of grid properties and styles, enabling developers to create unique layouts while maintaining responsive behavior.

  • react-flexbox-grid:

    React-Flexbox-Grid is highly customizable as it does not impose any specific styles, allowing developers to define their own styles while leveraging the Flexbox layout.

Learning Curve

  • styled-components:

    Styled-Components has a moderate learning curve, especially for those new to CSS-in-JS. Understanding how to manage styles within JavaScript can take some time but offers significant benefits in maintainability.

  • react-bootstrap:

    React-Bootstrap has a moderate learning curve, especially for developers already familiar with Bootstrap. Understanding its component structure and props is straightforward for those with Bootstrap experience.

  • react-grid-layout:

    React-Grid-Layout may require a bit of learning to understand its drag-and-drop functionality and grid configuration, but it is relatively straightforward for those familiar with React.

  • rebass:

    Rebass has a moderate learning curve, particularly for developers new to styled components. However, its props-based styling approach is intuitive and easy to grasp.

  • react-grid-system:

    React-Grid-System has a low learning curve as it focuses on providing a simple grid layout without complex components, making it easy to integrate into projects.

  • react-flexbox-grid:

    React-Flexbox-Grid has a low learning curve due to its simplicity and focus on Flexbox. Developers familiar with CSS Flexbox will find it easy to implement.


  • styled-components:

    Styled-Components can introduce some performance overhead due to runtime style generation, but it offers optimizations like server-side rendering and caching to mitigate this.

  • react-bootstrap:

    React-Bootstrap is optimized for performance, but since it relies on Bootstrap's CSS, large stylesheets may affect load times. However, it provides a good balance between functionality and performance.

  • react-grid-layout:

    React-Grid-Layout can be performance-intensive if not managed properly, especially with many draggable items. However, it offers optimizations for handling large grids efficiently.

  • rebass:

    Rebass is designed for performance, providing a small bundle size and optimized rendering, making it suitable for high-performance applications.

  • react-grid-system:

    React-Grid-System is lightweight and performs well, as it focuses solely on layout management without additional components or styles.

  • react-flexbox-grid:

    React-Flexbox-Grid is lightweight and performs well due to its minimalistic approach, focusing solely on layout without additional overhead.

How to Choose: styled-components vs react-bootstrap vs react-grid-layout vs rebass vs react-grid-system vs react-flexbox-grid
  • styled-components:

    Choose Styled-Components if you prefer a CSS-in-JS approach to styling your components. This library allows you to write actual CSS code to style your components, making it easier to manage styles and themes directly within your JavaScript files.

  • react-bootstrap:

    Choose React-Bootstrap if you want a comprehensive set of pre-styled components that follow Bootstrap's design principles. It is ideal for developers familiar with Bootstrap who want to leverage its grid system and responsive utilities while using React.

  • react-grid-layout:

    Opt for React-Grid-Layout if your application requires a draggable and resizable grid layout. This library is particularly useful for dashboards or applications where users need to customize their layout dynamically.

  • rebass:

    Select Rebass if you want a minimalist and highly customizable component library that emphasizes design consistency and theming. It is perfect for projects that require a modern design aesthetic with a focus on performance and responsiveness.

  • react-grid-system:

    Choose React-Grid-System if you need a flexible grid system that allows for responsive design with a focus on simplicity and customization. It is suitable for projects where you want to maintain control over the grid structure without using a full UI framework.

  • react-flexbox-grid:

    Select React-Flexbox-Grid if you prefer a lightweight solution that focuses solely on the Flexbox layout system. It is great for developers looking for a simple way to create responsive layouts without the overhead of additional components.

README for styled-components

Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅

downloads: 600k/month Discord gzip size module formats: umd, cjs, esm Code Coverage

Upgrading from v5? See the migration guide.

Utilizing tagged template literals (a recent addition to JavaScript) and the power of CSS, styled-components allow you to write actual CSS code to style your components. It also removes the mapping between components and styles – using components as a low-level styling construct could not be easier!

const Button = styled.button`
  color: grey;

Alternatively, you may use style objects. This allows for easy porting of CSS from inline styles, while still supporting the more advanced styled-components capabilities like component selectors and media queries.

const Button = styled.button({
  color: 'grey',

Equivalent to:

const Button = styled.button`
  color: grey;

styled-components is compatible with both React (for web) and React Native – meaning it's the perfect choice even for truly universal apps! See the documentation about React Native for more information.

Supported by Front End Center. Thank you for making this possible!


See the documentation at for more information about using styled-components!

Quicklinks to some of the most-visited pages:


import React from 'react';

import styled from 'styled-components';

// Create a <Title> react component that renders an <h1> which is
// centered, palevioletred and sized at 1.5em
const Title = styled.h1`
  font-size: 1.5em;
  text-align: center;
  color: palevioletred;

// Create a <Wrapper> react component that renders a <section> with
// some padding and a papayawhip background
const Wrapper = styled.section`
  padding: 4em;
  background: papayawhip;

function MyUI() {
  return (
    // Use them like any other React component – except they're styled!
      <Title>Hello World, this is my first styled component!</Title>

This is what you'll see in your browser:

Looking for v5?

The main branch is for the most-current version of styled-components, currently v6. For changes targeting v5, please point your PRs at the legacy-v5 branch.

Built with styled-components

A lot of hard work goes into community libraries, projects, and guides. A lot of them make it easier to get started or help you with your next project! There are also a whole lot of interesting apps and sites that people have built using styled-components.

Make sure to head over to awesome-styled-components to see them all! And please contribute and add your own work to the list so others can find it.


If you want to contribute to styled-components please see our contributing and community guidelines, they'll help you get set up locally and explain the whole process.

Please also note that all repositories under the styled-components organization follow our Code of Conduct, make sure to review and follow it.


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Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2016-present Glen Maddern and Maximilian Stoiber.

See LICENSE for more information.


This project builds on a long line of earlier work by clever folks all around the world. We'd like to thank Charlie Somerville, Nik Graf, Sunil Pai, Michael Chan, Andrey Popp, Jed Watson & Andrey Sitnik who contributed ideas, code or inspiration.

Special thanks to @okonet for the fantastic logo.