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🚧 flowbite-react (unreleased) 🚧

Flowbite - Tailwind CSS components

Build websites even faster with components on top of React and Tailwind CSS

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flowbite-react is an open source collection of UI components, built in React, with utility classes from Tailwind CSS that you can use as a starting point for user interfaces and websites.


Documentation for flowbite-react is not yet finished.

If you want to browse the components, visit

If you want to learn more about Flowbite, visit Flowbite docs.

Getting started

Learn how to get started with Flowbite React and start leveraging the interactive React components coupled with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS.

Using the CLI

Easily scaffold a Flowbite React application using the most popular React frameworks and technologies out there.

Run any of the following commands and answer the command prompt questions:

# npm
npm create flowbite-react@latest

# yarn
yarn create flowbite-react

# pnpm
pnpm create flowbite-react@latest

# bun
bun create flowbite-react@latest

The CLI will prompt the directory name, what template to use and if it should initialize a new git repository.

For more details, see how create-flowbite-react works.

Manual installation

To manually install flowbite-react into your application, here is a list of the official integration guides for the popular frameworks and technologies:


Please note that some components in the vanilla Flowbite library are not yet available in Flowbite React.

React Accordion React Alert React Avatar
React Banner React Badge React Breadcrumb
ButtonButton groupCard
React Button React Button group React Card
React Carousel React Datepicker React Dropdown
FooterFormsList group
React Footer React Forms React List group
React Modal React Navbar React Pagination
Progress barRatingSidebar
React Progress bar React Rating React Sidebar
React Spinner React Table React Tabs
React Tooltip React Timeline React Toast
Sticky Banner
React Banner


If you need help or just want to discuss about the library join the community on Github:

⌨️ Discuss about Flowbite on GitHub

For casual chatting with others using the library:

💬 Join the Flowbite Discord Server


Thank you for your interest in helping! Visit our guide on contributing to get started.


If you need the Figma files for the components you can check out our website for more information:

🎨 Get access to the Figma design files

Copyright and license

The Flowbite name and logos are trademarks of Bergside Srl.

📝 Read about the licensing terms 📀 Brand guideline and trademark usage agreement