sass vs node-sass vs gulp-sass vs grunt-sass
Sass Compilation Tools Comparison
1 Year
sassnode-sassgulp-sassgrunt-sassSimilar Packages:
What's Sass Compilation Tools?

These packages are used for compiling Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). They help developers write more maintainable and structured CSS by allowing the use of variables, nested rules, mixins, and functions. Each package has its own use case and integration style, catering to different build systems and workflows in web development.

Package Weekly Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
sass16,280,0354,0405.69 MB718 days agoMIT
node-sass1,360,8918,5021.83 MB1872 years agoMIT
gulp-sass411,1821,56923.9 kB253 months agoMIT
grunt-sass127,4261,0144.18 kB125 days agoMIT
Feature Comparison: sass vs node-sass vs gulp-sass vs grunt-sass


  • sass:

    Sass (Dart Sass) can be run from the command line or imported as a library in Node.js applications. It supports modern JavaScript features and can be easily integrated into various build systems.

  • node-sass:

    Node-sass is a library that can be used independently of any task runner. It provides a simple API for compiling Sass files programmatically, making it suitable for custom build scripts or applications.

  • gulp-sass:

    Gulp-sass works with Gulp, enabling a streaming build process. It allows for piping Sass through various Gulp plugins, making it easy to integrate with other tasks like minification and autoprefixing.

  • grunt-sass:

    Grunt-sass integrates with the Grunt task runner, allowing you to define tasks in a Gruntfile. It supports various options for output style, source maps, and error handling, making it flexible for different build processes.


  • sass:

    Dart Sass is slower than node-sass due to its pure JavaScript implementation, but it offers the most up-to-date features and syntax. It is optimized for modern web development workflows.

  • node-sass:

    Node-sass is known for its fast compilation speed, as it is a binding to the native LibSass library. It provides quick feedback during development, making it suitable for larger projects with many Sass files.

  • gulp-sass:

    Gulp-sass is designed for speed, leveraging Gulp's streaming capabilities to process files as they are read. This results in faster builds, especially when combined with other Gulp tasks.

  • grunt-sass:

    Grunt-sass may introduce some overhead due to Grunt's task-based approach, which can slow down the build process, especially with large projects. However, it offers caching options to improve performance on subsequent builds.

Feature Support

  • sass:

    Dart Sass supports all the latest features of Sass, including modules and the new @use rule. It is the recommended choice for projects that want to leverage the full power of Sass.

  • node-sass:

    Node-sass supports most Sass features, but it may not support the latest syntax introduced in Dart Sass. It's a good choice for projects that do not require cutting-edge Sass features.

  • gulp-sass:

    Gulp-sass supports all Sass features and allows for easy integration with other Gulp plugins, enabling advanced workflows like autoprefixing and minification.

  • grunt-sass:

    Grunt-sass supports a wide range of Sass features, including variables, nesting, and mixins. However, it may lag behind the latest Sass features if not updated regularly.

Community and Maintenance

  • sass:

    Dart Sass is the primary implementation of Sass and is actively maintained by the Sass team. It is the most up-to-date and recommended version for all new projects.

  • node-sass:

    Node-sass is widely used and has a strong community, but it is important to note that it is being deprecated in favor of Dart Sass. Users are encouraged to transition to Dart Sass for future-proofing their projects.

  • gulp-sass:

    Gulp-sass is actively maintained and benefits from the popularity of Gulp as a build tool. The community around Gulp is vibrant, and many plugins are available for various tasks.

  • grunt-sass:

    Grunt-sass is maintained by the community, but Grunt itself has seen a decline in popularity compared to Gulp and other build tools. This may affect the long-term viability of using grunt-sass in new projects.

Learning Curve

  • sass:

    Dart Sass can be used directly from the command line or as a library, making it accessible for beginners. Its documentation is comprehensive, aiding in the learning process.

  • node-sass:

    Node-sass has a straightforward API for compiling Sass, making it easy to integrate into custom scripts. However, it may require some understanding of Node.js for effective use.

  • gulp-sass:

    Gulp-sass is relatively easy to set up, especially for those familiar with JavaScript. Gulp's code-based configuration is intuitive, making it easier to learn and use.

  • grunt-sass:

    Grunt-sass requires understanding Grunt's configuration and task-based approach, which can have a steeper learning curve for beginners unfamiliar with task runners.

How to Choose: sass vs node-sass vs gulp-sass vs grunt-sass
  • sass:

    Use sass (Dart Sass) if you want the latest features of Sass and prefer a more modern implementation. Dart Sass is the primary implementation of Sass and supports all the latest syntax and features, making it ideal for new projects.

  • node-sass:

    Opt for node-sass if you need a standalone library for compiling Sass to CSS without a task runner. It's a direct binding to the LibSass library, offering fast compilation and is suitable for projects that don't require a full build system.

  • gulp-sass:

    Select gulp-sass if you prefer Gulp as your build tool. Gulp is known for its speed and simplicity, and gulp-sass provides a straightforward way to compile Sass files with a streaming approach, making it efficient for larger projects.

  • grunt-sass:

    Choose grunt-sass if you are already using Grunt as your task runner. It integrates seamlessly with the Grunt ecosystem and allows for easy configuration of Sass compilation tasks alongside other build processes.

README for sass

A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass. Sass makes CSS fun again.

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This package is a distribution of Dart Sass, compiled to pure JavaScript with no native code or external dependencies. It provides a command-line sass executable and a Node.js API.


You can install Sass globally using npm install -g sass which will provide access to the sass executable. You can also add it to your project using npm install --save-dev sass. This provides the executable as well as a library:

const sass = require('sass');

const result = sass.compile(scssFilename);

// OR

// Note that `compileAsync()` is substantially slower than `compile()`.
const result = await sass.compileAsync(scssFilename);

See the Sass website for full API documentation.

Legacy API

Dart Sass also supports an older JavaScript API that's fully compatible with Node Sass (with a few exceptions listed below), with support for both the render() and renderSync() functions. This API is considered deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0, so it should be avoided in new projects.

Sass's support for the legacy JavaScript API has the following limitations:

  • Only the "expanded" and "compressed" values of outputStyle are supported.

  • Dart Sass doesn't support the precision option. Dart Sass defaults to a sufficiently high precision for all existing browsers, and making this customizable would make the code substantially less efficient.

  • Dart Sass doesn't support the sourceComments option. Source maps are the recommended way of locating the origin of generated selectors.

See Also

  • Dart Sass, from which this package is compiled, can be used either as a stand-alone executable or as a Dart library. Running Dart Sass on the Dart VM is substantially faster than running the pure JavaScript version, so this may be appropriate for performance-sensitive applications. The Dart API is also (currently) more user-friendly than the JavaScript API. See the Dart Sass README for details on how to use it.

  • Node Sass, which is a wrapper around LibSass, the C++ implementation of Sass. Node Sass supports the same API as this package and is also faster (although it's usually a little slower than Dart Sass). However, it requires a native library which may be difficult to install, and it's generally slower to add features and fix bugs.

Behavioral Differences from Ruby Sass

There are a few intentional behavioral differences between Dart Sass and Ruby Sass. These are generally places where Ruby Sass has an undesired behavior, and it's substantially easier to implement the correct behavior than it would be to implement compatible behavior. These should all have tracking bugs against Ruby Sass to update the reference behavior.

  1. @extend only accepts simple selectors, as does the second argument of selector-extend(). See issue 1599.

  2. Subject selectors are not supported. See issue 1126.

  3. Pseudo selector arguments are parsed as <declaration-value>s rather than having a more limited custom parsing. See issue 2120.

  4. The numeric precision is set to 10. See issue 1122.

  5. The indented syntax parser is more flexible: it doesn't require consistent indentation across the whole document. See issue 2176.

  6. Colors do not support channel-by-channel arithmetic. See issue 2144.

  7. Unitless numbers aren't == to unit numbers with the same value. In addition, map keys follow the same logic as ==-equality. See issue 1496.

  8. rgba() and hsla() alpha values with percentage units are interpreted as percentages. Other units are forbidden. See issue 1525.

  9. Too many variable arguments passed to a function is an error. See issue 1408.

  10. Allow @extend to reach outside a media query if there's an identical @extend defined outside that query. This isn't tracked explicitly, because it'll be irrelevant when issue 1050 is fixed.

  11. Some selector pseudos containing placeholder selectors will be compiled where they wouldn't be in Ruby Sass. This better matches the semantics of the selectors in question, and is more efficient. See issue 2228.

  12. The old-style :property value syntax is not supported in the indented syntax. See issue 2245.

  13. The reference combinator is not supported. See issue 303.

  14. Universal selector unification is symmetrical. See issue 2247.

  15. @extend doesn't produce an error if it matches but fails to unify. See issue 2250.

  16. Dart Sass currently only supports UTF-8 documents. We'd like to support more, but Dart currently doesn't support them. See dart-lang/sdk#11744, for example.

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