Which is Better State Management Libraries in Web Development?
immer vs redux vs mobx vs recoil vs mobx-state-tree

1 Year
immerreduxmobxrecoilmobx-state-treeSimilar Packages:
What's State Management Libraries in Web Development?

State management libraries in web development are tools that help manage the state of an application, handling data flow and updates efficiently. Choosing the right library depends on factors like project complexity, developer preferences, and scalability needs.

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immer10,038,08826,986324 days agoMIT License
redux8,912,45560,480402 days agoMIT License
mobx1,186,22027,229563 days agoMIT License
recoil507,40619,449320a day agoMIT License
mobx-state-tree78,4016,873943 days agoMIT License
Feature Comparison: immer vs redux vs mobx vs recoil vs mobx-state-tree


  • immer: Immer allows for immutable data updates in a more convenient and readable way, reducing the risk of accidental mutations.
  • mobx: MobX supports both mutable and immutable data structures, giving developers flexibility in managing state.
  • mobx-state-tree: MobX-State-Tree combines MobX with a structured data model for managing complex state in a scalable way.
  • recoil: Recoil emphasizes immutable data updates to ensure predictable state management and avoid side effects.
  • redux: Redux enforces immutability through its unidirectional data flow and pure functions for state updates.


  • immer: Immer focuses on immutability and does not provide built-in reactivity features.
  • mobx: MobX offers automatic reactivity, updating components when observed data changes.
  • mobx-state-tree: MobX-State-Tree leverages MobX's reactivity to synchronize changes across components efficiently.
  • recoil: Recoil provides reactivity through atoms and selectors, triggering updates in components based on state changes.
  • redux: Redux relies on actions and reducers to trigger updates in a predictable and controlled manner.


  • immer: Immer is suitable for small to medium-sized applications with moderate state management needs.
  • mobx: MobX is scalable and can handle state management in applications of various sizes.
  • mobx-state-tree: MobX-State-Tree is designed for large-scale applications with complex state requirements.
  • recoil: Recoil is optimized for scalable state management, offering performance benefits for larger applications.
  • redux: Redux is commonly used in large applications with predictable state updates and complex data flows.

Developer Experience

  • immer: Immer simplifies state updates and reduces boilerplate code, enhancing developer productivity.
  • mobx: MobX provides a straightforward approach to state management, making it easy for developers to understand and use.
  • mobx-state-tree: MobX-State-Tree offers a structured approach to state management, guiding developers in handling complex data models.
  • recoil: Recoil's declarative API and built-in tools make state management more intuitive and developer-friendly.
  • redux: Redux's strict architecture and data flow patterns can require a learning curve but offer clear guidelines for state management.

Community Support

  • immer: Immer has a supportive community but may have fewer resources compared to more widely adopted libraries.
  • mobx: MobX has a dedicated community and extensive documentation, with a strong presence in the React ecosystem.
  • mobx-state-tree: MobX-State-Tree benefits from MobX's community and resources, offering additional support for complex state management.
  • recoil: Recoil is a newer library with a growing community and active development, expanding its ecosystem over time.
  • redux: Redux has a large community and ecosystem of plugins, middleware, and tools, making it a popular choice for state management.
Similar Npm Packages to immer

immer is a JavaScript library that allows you to work with immutable state in a more convenient and efficient way. It provides a simple API for creating immutable copies of data structures, making it easier to manage state updates in a mutable manner. While immer is a popular choice for handling immutability in JavaScript applications, there are other libraries that offer similar functionality. Here are a few alternatives:

  • immutability-helper is a library that provides a set of helper functions for updating nested data structures immutably. It offers a range of update operations that can be applied to objects and arrays.
  • immutable is a library that provides persistent immutable data structures for JavaScript. It offers a rich set of data structures, such as List, Map, and Set, that can be used to create and manipulate immutable data.
  • seamless-immutable is a library that provides a seamless way to work with immutable data structures in JavaScript. It offers a simple API for creating and updating immutable objects and arrays.

Check out this comparison: Comparing immer vs immer vs immutability-helper vs immutable vs seamless-immutable.

README for immer


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Create the next immutable state tree by simply modifying the current tree

Winner of the "Breakthrough of the year" React open source award and "Most impactful contribution" JavaScript open source award in 2019

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You can use Gitpod (a free online VS Code like IDE) for contributing online. With a single click it will launch a workspace and automatically:

  • clone the immer repo.
  • install the dependencies.
  • run yarn run start.

so that you can start coding straight away.

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The documentation of this package is hosted at https://immerjs.github.io/immer/


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