Which is Better State Management Libraries?
immer vs redux vs zustand vs xstate vs mobx vs react-query vs recoil vs valtio
1 Year
immerreduxzustandxstatemobxreact-queryrecoilvaltioSimilar Packages:
What's State Management Libraries?

State management libraries provide a structured way to manage and manipulate application state in web development. They help developers maintain a predictable state across components, enabling easier debugging, testing, and scalability. Each library has its unique approach to state management, catering to different use cases and preferences in application architecture. Understanding the differences among these libraries can significantly impact the development process and the performance of web applications.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
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valtio432,1009,02975.4 kB4a month agoMIT
Feature Comparison: immer vs redux vs zustand vs xstate vs mobx vs react-query vs recoil vs valtio

State Management Approach

  • immer: Immer allows you to work with mutable state directly while ensuring immutability under the hood. It uses a proxy to track changes and produce a new state object, making it easier to manage complex state updates without boilerplate.
  • redux: Redux uses a centralized store and a unidirectional data flow, where actions describe state changes and reducers specify how the state updates in response. This predictable model is powerful for managing complex applications.
  • zustand: Zustand offers a minimalistic API for state management, allowing you to create stores with simple hooks. It provides a straightforward way to manage local state without the complexity of larger libraries.
  • xstate: XState uses state machines and statecharts to model application state and transitions. This approach provides a clear structure for managing complex states and behaviors, making it easier to reason about application logic.
  • mobx: MobX employs observable state and reactions, allowing components to automatically re-render when the state they depend on changes. This fine-grained reactivity simplifies state management and reduces the need for manual updates.
  • react-query: React Query focuses on managing server state, providing hooks for data fetching, caching, and synchronization. It abstracts away the complexities of handling asynchronous data, making it easier to work with remote APIs.
  • recoil: Recoil introduces atoms and selectors for managing state in a way that integrates seamlessly with React. Atoms represent pieces of state, while selectors derive state, allowing for efficient state management and reactivity.
  • valtio: Valtio leverages proxies to create a simple and reactive state management solution. It allows you to mutate state directly while keeping track of changes, making it easy to manage state without boilerplate.

Learning Curve

  • immer: Immer has a gentle learning curve, especially for developers familiar with mutable state. Its API is intuitive, allowing for straightforward integration into existing projects without significant overhead.
  • redux: Redux has a steeper learning curve due to its concepts of actions, reducers, and middleware. However, once understood, it provides a powerful and predictable way to manage state in complex applications.
  • zustand: Zustand is very easy to learn, with a simple API that allows developers to quickly set up state management without the overhead of more complex libraries.
  • xstate: XState may have a steeper learning curve due to its state machine concepts, but it provides powerful tools for managing complex states and transitions, making it worthwhile for intricate applications.
  • mobx: MobX is relatively easy to learn, especially for those who appreciate reactive programming. Its concepts of observables and reactions are simple to grasp, making it accessible for beginners.
  • react-query: React Query has a low learning curve for developers familiar with React. Its hooks-based API is intuitive, allowing for quick adoption in projects that require data fetching.
  • recoil: Recoil is designed to be easy to learn for React developers, offering a familiar API that integrates well with existing React patterns, making it approachable for those new to state management.
  • valtio: Valtio is easy to pick up, especially for those who prefer a minimalistic approach. Its proxy-based model allows for intuitive state management without much boilerplate.


  • immer: Immer optimizes performance by only creating new state objects when necessary, minimizing unnecessary re-renders and improving efficiency in state updates.
  • redux: Redux can face performance challenges with large state trees and frequent updates, but techniques like memoization and selective rendering can mitigate these issues.
  • zustand: Zustand is lightweight and performs well, as it minimizes the overhead of state management and allows for efficient updates without unnecessary re-renders.
  • xstate: XState is optimized for performance in complex state management scenarios, allowing for efficient transitions and state updates, especially in applications with intricate workflows.
  • mobx: MobX excels in performance due to its fine-grained reactivity, allowing components to only re-render when their specific observable state changes, resulting in efficient updates.
  • react-query: React Query enhances performance by caching and synchronizing server state, reducing the need for repeated data fetching and improving the responsiveness of applications.
  • recoil: Recoil's performance benefits from its ability to derive state and minimize re-renders, allowing components to only update when their specific atoms change, leading to efficient rendering.
  • valtio: Valtio provides good performance through its proxy-based approach, allowing for direct state mutations while maintaining reactivity, leading to efficient updates without excessive re-renders.


  • immer: Immer is highly extensible, allowing developers to integrate it into various state management solutions or use it alongside other libraries without conflicts.
  • redux: Redux is highly extensible through middleware and enhancers, allowing developers to add custom functionality and integrate with various libraries and tools.
  • zustand: Zustand is minimalistic and extensible, allowing developers to create custom hooks and middleware to enhance functionality without complicating the core API.
  • xstate: XState is extensible through custom state machines and transitions, allowing developers to model complex workflows and integrate with various UI frameworks.
  • mobx: MobX is extensible through decorators and custom observables, enabling developers to create tailored solutions that fit their specific application needs.
  • react-query: React Query is designed to be extensible, allowing developers to customize caching strategies, query behaviors, and integrate with other libraries seamlessly.
  • recoil: Recoil's architecture allows for extensibility through custom atoms and selectors, enabling developers to create complex state management solutions tailored to their applications.
  • valtio: Valtio is designed to be simple and extensible, allowing developers to easily integrate it into existing projects and extend its functionality as needed.
How to Choose: immer vs redux vs zustand vs xstate vs mobx vs react-query vs recoil vs valtio
  • immer: Choose Immer if you want to work with immutable state in a more intuitive way, allowing you to write code that looks like you're mutating state directly while actually preserving immutability under the hood. It's great for projects that require complex state updates without the overhead of boilerplate code.
  • redux: Choose Redux for large-scale applications that require a predictable state container and a clear architecture. It is best suited for projects that benefit from a centralized store and middleware for handling side effects, making it easier to manage complex state interactions.
  • zustand: Choose Zustand for its minimalistic API and performance. It's a great option for applications that need a simple, unopinionated state management solution without the complexity of Redux.
  • xstate: Use XState if your application requires complex state machines or workflows. It's particularly useful for managing finite states and transitions, making it ideal for applications with intricate UI logic or multi-step processes.
  • mobx: Select MobX for its simplicity and reactivity, especially in applications that require fine-grained reactivity and automatic dependency tracking. It's suitable for projects where you want to minimize boilerplate and leverage observables for state management.
  • react-query: Opt for React Query if your application heavily relies on server state and you want to simplify data fetching, caching, and synchronization. It's ideal for applications that need to manage asynchronous data and want to avoid the complexity of global state management.
  • recoil: Use Recoil if you are working with React and need a simple yet powerful state management solution that integrates seamlessly with React's concurrent features. It's beneficial for applications that require derived state and asynchronous queries without the complexity of Redux.
  • valtio: Select Valtio for its simplicity and ease of use, especially if you prefer a proxy-based approach to state management. It's a good choice for projects that need a lightweight solution without the boilerplate of Redux or MobX.
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