Which is Better State Management Libraries?
immer vs redux vs zustand vs mobx vs recoil vs valtio
1 Year
immerreduxzustandmobxrecoilvaltioSimilar Packages:
What's State Management Libraries?

State management libraries are essential tools in modern web development, allowing developers to manage application state in a predictable and efficient manner. These libraries provide various approaches to handling state, enabling developers to choose the best fit for their application architecture and requirements. They facilitate data flow, state updates, and UI reactivity, which are crucial for building responsive and maintainable applications. Each library has its own philosophy and design principles, catering to different use cases and developer preferences.

NPM Package Downloads Trend
Github Stars Ranking
Stat Detail
immer11,442,54727,595627 kB495 months agoMIT
redux10,117,66060,838290 kB389 months agoMIT
zustand4,161,45346,87088.6 kB618 days agoMIT
mobx1,537,66027,4814.32 MB667 days agoMIT
recoil505,31719,5872.21 MB3252 years agoMIT
valtio444,2669,00775.4 kB2a month agoMIT
Feature Comparison: immer vs redux vs zustand vs mobx vs recoil vs valtio

Mutability and Immutability

  • immer: Immer allows you to work with mutable state while ensuring immutability. You can write code that directly modifies state, and Immer will create a new immutable state behind the scenes, making it easier to manage complex state updates without the boilerplate of traditional immutability.
  • redux: Redux enforces immutability by requiring that state is never mutated directly. Instead, you create new state objects using pure functions (reducers), which can lead to more predictable state transitions but may introduce boilerplate code for updates.
  • zustand: Zustand allows for mutable state management, enabling direct updates to state without enforcing immutability. This makes it easy to work with, especially for smaller applications where simplicity is key.
  • mobx: MobX embraces mutable state, allowing direct modifications to observable objects. This approach simplifies state updates and makes it intuitive for developers, as they can change state directly without needing to create copies or manage immutability explicitly.
  • recoil: Recoil supports both mutable and immutable state management. It allows you to create atoms (units of state) that can be read and written to, offering flexibility in how you manage state across components while maintaining performance and reactivity.
  • valtio: Valtio uses proxies to create a mutable state that automatically tracks changes. This allows you to write code that feels natural and intuitive while still benefiting from reactivity and performance optimizations without the need for immutability.

Learning Curve

  • immer: Immer has a gentle learning curve, especially for developers familiar with mutable state management. Its API is straightforward, allowing developers to adopt it quickly without significant overhead in learning new concepts.
  • redux: Redux has a steeper learning curve due to its concepts of actions, reducers, and middleware. Developers need to understand the unidirectional data flow and how to manage state updates, which can be challenging for beginners.
  • zustand: Zustand offers a very low learning curve, with a simple API that allows developers to create state stores quickly. Its minimalistic approach makes it accessible for developers of all skill levels.
  • mobx: MobX is relatively easy to learn, particularly for those who are accustomed to reactive programming. Its observable pattern simplifies state management, but understanding its reactivity model may take some time for newcomers.
  • recoil: Recoil has a moderate learning curve, especially for developers already familiar with React. Its concepts of atoms and selectors may require some adjustment, but it integrates well with existing React paradigms.
  • valtio: Valtio is designed to be simple and intuitive, making it easy to learn. Its proxy-based approach allows developers to manage state with minimal boilerplate, which can be appealing for those new to state management.


  • immer: Immer is optimized for performance by using structural sharing to minimize memory usage when creating new state. However, it can introduce overhead in very high-frequency updates due to its internal mechanisms for managing immutability.
  • redux: Redux can face performance challenges in large applications due to its reliance on a single store and the need to re-render components based on state changes. However, optimizations like memoization and selective rendering can mitigate these issues.
  • zustand: Zustand is lightweight and fast, providing efficient state management without unnecessary re-renders. Its minimalistic design ensures that performance remains high, even in larger applications.
  • mobx: MobX excels in performance due to its fine-grained reactivity. It only re-renders components that depend on the changed observable state, leading to efficient updates and minimal rendering overhead, making it suitable for performance-critical applications.
  • recoil: Recoil is designed for performance with its concurrent features, allowing for efficient state updates and rendering. It minimizes unnecessary re-renders by tracking dependencies at a granular level, which is beneficial for complex applications.
  • valtio: Valtio offers excellent performance by leveraging proxies, allowing for efficient state updates without the need for immutability checks. This results in quick reactivity and minimal overhead, making it suitable for responsive applications.

Ecosystem and Community

  • immer: Immer has a growing community and is widely adopted in the React ecosystem. It integrates well with other libraries and frameworks, making it a popular choice for projects that require immutability without excessive boilerplate.
  • redux: Redux has a mature and extensive ecosystem with a plethora of middleware, extensions, and community resources. Its long-standing presence in the React ecosystem ensures robust support and a wealth of learning materials.
  • zustand: Zustand has a small but active community, and its simplicity has led to quick adoption in various projects. While its ecosystem is still developing, it is gaining popularity for its ease of use and performance.
  • mobx: MobX has a strong community and a rich ecosystem of tools and extensions. Its popularity in the React community has led to many resources and libraries that enhance its capabilities, making it a reliable choice for reactive applications.
  • recoil: Recoil is backed by Facebook and has a rapidly growing community. As a newer library, its ecosystem is still developing, but it benefits from strong integration with React and ongoing support from its maintainers.
  • valtio: Valtio is relatively new but has gained traction for its simplicity and effectiveness. Its community is growing, and it is being adopted in various projects, although its ecosystem is not as extensive as some of the more established libraries.
How to Choose: immer vs redux vs zustand vs mobx vs recoil vs valtio
  • immer: Choose Immer if you want to simplify state management in applications that require immutable state updates. It allows you to write code that appears to mutate state directly while ensuring immutability under the hood, making it easier to reason about state changes.
  • redux: Choose Redux for large-scale applications that require a predictable state container and a strict unidirectional data flow. Redux is ideal for complex state management scenarios, providing middleware support and a robust ecosystem for handling side effects and asynchronous actions.
  • zustand: Choose Zustand for a minimalistic state management solution that emphasizes simplicity and performance. Zustand allows you to create global state stores with a straightforward API, making it a great choice for small to medium-sized applications.
  • mobx: Select MobX for applications that benefit from reactive programming and require fine-grained reactivity. MobX uses observable states and automatically tracks dependencies, making it ideal for projects where performance and simplicity in state management are priorities.
  • recoil: Opt for Recoil if you are building React applications and need a state management solution that integrates seamlessly with React's concurrent features. Recoil offers a flexible and scalable approach to state management, allowing for derived state and asynchronous queries.
  • valtio: Select Valtio for a lightweight and simple state management solution that leverages proxies for reactivity. Valtio is easy to use and integrates well with React, making it suitable for projects that need a straightforward approach without boilerplate code.
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Create the next immutable state tree by simply modifying the current tree

Winner of the "Breakthrough of the year" React open source award and "Most impactful contribution" JavaScript open source award in 2019

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  • run yarn run start.

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