dayjs vs moment
JavaScript Date Manipulation Libraries Comparison
1 Year
dayjsmomentSimilar Packages:
What's JavaScript Date Manipulation Libraries?

Date manipulation libraries are essential tools in JavaScript development, providing developers with the ability to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in a more manageable way than using native JavaScript Date objects alone. These libraries facilitate operations such as formatting dates, calculating differences between dates, and handling time zones, which can be complex and error-prone when done manually. Both Day.js and Moment.js serve similar purposes but differ significantly in design philosophy, performance, and size, making them suitable for different use cases in web development.

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dayjs23,025,98647,510670 kB1,0836 months agoMIT
moment23,021,03748,0784.35 MB276a year agoMIT
Feature Comparison: dayjs vs moment

Size and Performance

  • dayjs:

    Day.js is significantly smaller in size (about 2KB minified and gzipped), making it a great choice for performance-sensitive applications. Its lightweight nature means faster load times and lower bandwidth usage, which is crucial for mobile applications and sites with many users.

  • moment:

    Moment.js is larger (around 16KB minified and gzipped), which can impact performance, especially in applications where bundle size is a concern. While it offers extensive functionality, the trade-off is a larger footprint that may not be suitable for all projects.

API Design

  • dayjs:

    Day.js has a modern and intuitive API that is designed to be chainable and easy to use. It mimics the Moment.js API, making it easy for developers familiar with Moment.js to transition. Its simplicity allows for quick date manipulations without much overhead.

  • moment:

    Moment.js provides a rich API with a wide range of features, including parsing, formatting, and manipulating dates. However, its API can be considered more complex due to the extensive options available, which may lead to a steeper learning curve for new users.


  • dayjs:

    Day.js is immutable, meaning that any operations performed on a Day.js object return a new instance rather than modifying the original object. This immutability helps prevent side effects and makes the code easier to reason about, especially in functional programming contexts.

  • moment:

    Moment.js is mutable, allowing for in-place modifications of date objects. While this can be convenient, it can also lead to unintended side effects if not managed carefully, especially in larger applications where state management is critical.

Localization and Time Zones

  • dayjs:

    Day.js supports localization through plugins, allowing developers to add only the locales they need, which keeps the bundle size small. However, its time zone support is limited compared to Moment.js, requiring additional plugins for full functionality.

  • moment:

    Moment.js has built-in support for localization and time zones, making it a robust choice for applications that require extensive internationalization features. Its comprehensive handling of time zones and formats makes it suitable for applications with complex date and time requirements.

Community and Maintenance

  • dayjs:

    Day.js has a growing community and is actively maintained, with a focus on performance and simplicity. Its modern approach and smaller size have attracted a lot of attention, making it a popular choice for new projects.

  • moment:

    Moment.js has a large and established community, but it is in maintenance mode, meaning that no new features are being added, and the focus is primarily on fixing bugs. This may be a consideration for long-term projects that require ongoing support and updates.

How to Choose: dayjs vs moment
  • dayjs:

    Choose Day.js if you need a lightweight library with a modern API that is easy to use and integrates well with existing projects. It is ideal for applications where performance and bundle size are critical, and it offers a similar API to Moment.js, making it easy to switch.

  • moment:

    Choose Moment.js if you require a comprehensive solution with extensive features, including localization and time zone support. It is suitable for applications that need robust date manipulation capabilities and where bundle size is less of a concern.

README for dayjs

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Fast 2kB alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API

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Day.js is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays dates and times for modern browsers with a largely Moment.js-compatible API. If you use Moment.js, you already know how to use Day.js.

dayjs().startOf('month').add(1, 'day').set('year', 2018).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
  • 🕒 Familiar Moment.js API & patterns
  • 💪 Immutable
  • 🔥 Chainable
  • 🌐 I18n support
  • 📦 2kb mini library
  • 👫 All browsers supported

Getting Started


You can find more details, API, and other docs on website.


npm install dayjs --save

📚Installation Guide


It's easy to use Day.js APIs to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times.

dayjs('2018-08-08') // parse

dayjs().format('{YYYY} MM-DDTHH:mm:ss SSS [Z] A') // display

dayjs().set('month', 3).month() // get & set

dayjs().add(1, 'year') // manipulate

dayjs().isBefore(dayjs()) // query

📚API Reference


Day.js has great support for internationalization.

But none of them will be included in your build unless you use it.

import 'dayjs/locale/es' // load on demand

dayjs.locale('es') // use Spanish locale globally

dayjs('2018-05-05').locale('zh-cn').format() // use Chinese Simplified locale in a specific instance



A plugin is an independent module that can be added to Day.js to extend functionality or add new features.

import advancedFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/advancedFormat' // load on demand

dayjs.extend(advancedFormat) // use plugin

dayjs().format('Q Do k kk X x') // more available formats

📚Plugin List

Usage Trend


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Day.js is licensed under a MIT License.