Which is Better Date and Time Libraries?
moment vs dayjs

1 Year
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What's Date and Time Libraries?

Date and time libraries provide functionality for parsing, manipulating, formatting, and displaying dates and times in JavaScript applications. These libraries help developers work with dates and times efficiently, handle time zones, and perform various operations such as calculating differences between dates or formatting dates for display.

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moment19,116,47747,8864.35 MB2536 months agoMIT
dayjs18,569,30946,259666 kB9802 months agoMIT
Feature Comparison: moment vs dayjs

Bundle Size

  • moment: Moment.js has a larger bundle size due to its comprehensive feature set and extensive functionality. While Moment.js offers a wide range of date and time manipulation capabilities, the larger bundle size may impact page load times and overall performance.
  • dayjs: Day.js has a smaller bundle size compared to Moment.js, making it a more lightweight option for projects where minimizing file size is a priority. The modular design of Day.js allows developers to include only the necessary features, further reducing the overall bundle size.

API and Functionality

  • moment: Moment.js offers a comprehensive set of features for working with dates and times, including parsing, formatting, manipulating, and displaying dates in various formats. Moment.js has been widely used and well-documented, making it a popular choice for date and time operations in JavaScript applications.
  • dayjs: Day.js provides a simple and intuitive API that is compatible with Moment.js, making it easy for developers familiar with Moment.js to transition to Day.js. Day.js offers similar functionality for parsing, manipulating, formatting, and displaying dates and times, making it a suitable replacement for Moment.js in many cases.


  • moment: Moment.js, while feature-rich, may have performance implications due to its larger bundle size and extensive functionality. In some cases, Moment.js operations may be slower compared to more lightweight alternatives like Day.js, especially in scenarios where frequent date and time manipulations are required.
  • dayjs: Day.js is known for its fast performance and efficient date and time operations. The lightweight design of Day.js and optimized codebase contribute to its speed and responsiveness, making it a good choice for projects where performance is a priority.

Maintenance and Updates

  • moment: Moment.js, while a mature and widely-used library, has seen a decrease in active development and updates in recent years. While Moment.js continues to be a reliable choice for date and time operations, developers may consider the maintenance and longevity of the library when choosing between Moment.js and newer alternatives like Day.js.
  • dayjs: Day.js is actively maintained and regularly updated to address bugs, add new features, and improve performance. The Day.js community is responsive to issues and pull requests, ensuring that the library remains up-to-date and compatible with the latest JavaScript standards.


  • moment: Moment.js provides a wide range of built-in features and functionality for working with dates and times, but its extensibility may be limited compared to more modular libraries like Day.js. While Moment.js offers comprehensive date and time operations out of the box, developers looking for specific customizations may find Day.js more suitable for their needs.
  • dayjs: Day.js offers a modular design that allows developers to extend its functionality through plugins. Developers can create custom plugins or use existing ones to add additional features or date/time manipulation capabilities to Day.js, making it a flexible and extensible library.
How to Choose: moment vs dayjs
  • moment: Choose Moment.js if you need a comprehensive date and time library with a wide range of features and extensive support for various date and time operations. Moment.js has been a popular choice for handling dates and times in JavaScript applications for many years.
  • dayjs: Choose Day.js if you are looking for a lightweight alternative to Moment.js with a similar API and functionality. Day.js is modular, fast, and has a smaller bundle size, making it a good choice for projects where performance and size are important.
Similar Npm Packages to moment

moment is a popular date and time manipulation library for JavaScript. It provides a simple and intuitive API for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates and times. While moment is widely used in the JavaScript community, there are other libraries that offer similar functionalities. Here are a few alternatives:

  • date-fns is a modern JavaScript date utility library that provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with dates and times. It focuses on immutability and functional programming principles.
  • dayjs is a minimalist JavaScript date library that is lightweight and easy to use. It offers a similar API to moment but with a smaller bundle size and faster performance.
  • luxon is a library for working with dates and times in JavaScript that emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. It provides a rich feature set for parsing, formatting, and manipulating dates.

Check out this comparison: Comparing date-fns vs dayjs vs luxon vs moment.

README for moment


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A JavaScript date library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and formatting dates.

Project Status

Moment.js is a legacy project, now in maintenance mode. In most cases, you should choose a different library.

For more details and recommendations, please see Project Status in the docs.

Thank you.



Moment.js is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.

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