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rsuite89,9898,23324.7 MB2313 days agoMIT
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rsuite is a comprehensive suite of React components that offers a wide range of UI components for building web applications. It provides a collection of well-designed and customizable components that can be easily integrated into React projects. While rsuite is a popular choice for UI components in React applications, there are other libraries in the React ecosystem that offer similar solutions. Here are a few alternatives:

  • antd is a popular UI library for React applications that offers a wide range of components and design styles. It provides a rich set of components for building modern and responsive user interfaces.
  • material-ui is a React component library that implements Google's Material Design principles. It offers a set of beautifully designed components that follow the Material Design guidelines.
  • react-bootstrap is a library that provides Bootstrap components as React components. It allows developers to easily create responsive and mobile-first web applications using Bootstrap's CSS framework.

Check out this comparison: Comparing antd vs material-ui vs react-bootstrap vs rsuite.

README for rsuite

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React Suite is a set of React components. It is committed to providing high-quality and comprehensive React components to help developers quickly build web applications.

Supported Platforms


React Suite supports the latest, stable releases of all major browsers and platforms. IE<=10 is no longer supported since React Suite 5.0. React Suite is designed and implemented for use on modern desktop browsers rather than mobile browsers.

>=11>=14>= 45>= 49>= 10


React Suite supports server side rendering. Support Next.js to build applications.


React Suite is available as an npm package.

# with npm
npm install rsuite

# with Yarn
yarn add rsuite

# with pnpm
pnpm add rsuite

# with Bun
bun add rsuite


import { Button } from 'rsuite';
import 'rsuite/styles/index.less'; // or 'rsuite/dist/rsuite.min.css'

function App() {
  return <Button appearance="primary">Hello World</Button>;

More guides on how to get started are available here.


It's the website for the latest version of React Suite. For older versions head over here

The previous major version 4.x will no longer receive new features, and it is recommended to upgrade to the latest 5.x releases. Bug fixes for 4.x are still being supported for a period of time, and security fixes are supported until 6.x is in progress.

Framework Guides

React Suite can be used in your favorite framework. We have prepared step-by-step guides for these frameworks:


Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.


Make sure you've read the guidelines before you start contributing.

Sponsoring services

These great services help us to build and maintain the project.

GitHubGithub lets us host the Git repository and coordinate contributions.
VercelVercel provides the hosting for the documentation site.
CodeCovCodeCov lets us monitor test coverage.
GiteeGitee grants us GVP - Gitee Most Valuable Open Source Project.
CodeSandboxCodeSandbox lets us provide live previews of the components.
StackblitzStackblitz lets us provide live previews of the components.

Supporting React Suite

If you like React Suite, you can show your support by either

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.



React Suite is MIT licensed.